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Everything posted by Vika

  1. I was not able to get my money back but we should work together to put these people down they have to pay if there is away we can all contact each other
  2. I did report to the bank they investigated the other people sent them evidence and the Gallery showed them evidence that we had purchased something that we had and agreement which we had not made . Was not there . So they took the money
  3. Yes i did report i have been given no help at all not even has my case been looked at my bank didn't help me they took 25000 from me its sad i am officially broke working for that money was had we really need to be helped
  4. We should contact each other so that we get help
  5. The Ga11ERY ,26A Market Place ,Fitzrovia ,W1W 8AW
  6. This people did the same to me This happened to my i contacted my bank they tried to help but they told them how we want free pictures how sad we paid 2500 for pictures can you imagine this people have no hearts or souls I was looking for a modeling Agency . i found the ga11ery modeling agency i made an appointment i was invited they made me pay 50pounds as a deposit told me it would be refunded. told us it was a test photoshoot to see if we would make it on their team . I was there with a few other people who had come in . After the test photoshoot they told us to give them 20minutes for the head office was still making the final discussion After 20 minutes we were called in by Zain who told me i had performed very and mostly talked to my dad because he had come to support me . He then told me i had won a GAP contract . He then told mydhad i was among the only two who had got this place . He told us to secure the position we had to pay 25000 pounds On that money i was going to get the money back in a month because i will be earning 6 modeling jobs pay month . He then made us sign a contract for Gap reaching the train we see no GAP contract we then call the bank we had paid using Hilex they claim they cannot help us but the money was still pending . we then went the next day to see them the Ga11ery they opened told us they are just a Photo studio and they acted as if they didn't know what we were talking about we went to the police station they said we have to report online i reported the case . No information yet . we tried to call Ga11ery many times no one answer the last time i called them the lady picked up and was like honey its a sc@m . I have voice recording when i talked to one of them named Taylor . The last time i went there was a boy coming out with his dad having the same package they gave me . They are still sc@ming people they need to be taken down i have lost all my long time savings no one has helped me neither my bank nor the police
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