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  1. To day all this has come to a head and we have now going to settle this issue in court as instructed by the local constabulary who were present during a cofrontation today. Thank you for eveyones concern and thoughts and advice.
  2. Our commercial landlord has changed the locks of workshop where we have 2 x 20ft containers stored. Even though we gave him formal notice of moving out of workshop offices he still says we owe him money. We have signed no wriiten lease or contract all correspondence has been done by email now he states if we dont pay the amount owing he is going to open our padlocked containers and sell off our equipment to pay for his loss and once this is done he will inform us as to when we can remove them. Please note we still pay an agreed amount per month for the container storage. Now he says we have not been paying him the correct amount for the container storage. This is taken from an email we recieved All he wants is money and we want out.
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