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  1. Cheers Caro, unfortunately that was only part 1 of my claim, the other being for roughly the same amount, I've just read the thread about doing subsequent claims and am cheesed off but I'm not giving up just yet. Look forward to hearing everyone's take on this though. Right, I'm off for few beers now to celebrate. davg
  2. Hi Caro , Bigmac, Achuaran, I've just received my cheque today for full settlement for my first claim of £748 but am shocked to read at whats happened to Bigmac getting his second claim flung out, is it now impossible to file a second claim through small claims court as I still have another claim to do for roughly the same amount as before? Because the charges + interest totalled were just over £1500 I never went down the summary cause route, regret it now as the Clydesdale will no doubt throw my second claim out too. I've just went went from being over the moon to being totally deflated after reading this post now but I am glad I've been able to get some money back at least. davg
  3. Really chuffed , received cheque today for full amount + costs for my small claim. Been a long time coming so I would like to say thanks very much to everyone who has helped and given advice to me on this site. I hope everyone else hangs in there and sees it out, it's worth the wait. So am off out for a few pints now, chin chin ! davg
  4. Thanks Robert, the offer was for the full amount I was claiming in that particular claim but I'll just make it clear that it's for this claim only and see what happens. Thery are trying anything to wriggle out of paying up the full amount but if they say this is unconditional then I will refuse the offer hands down as they know the amount I'm claiming as provided in LBA. Once again cheers and I'll keep you posted. davg
  5. Well, received a settlement offer for amount claimed (including interest) + costs today for part 1 of my claim so thats great but I'm worried that I've to sign an agreement that that's a full and final settlement of my claim against the bank. Does this mean I will be struck out if I do part 2 of my claim if I accept this offer ? The way I see it is that this offer is for the amount detailed in this claim only and should not stop me from going for the rest as detailed in my LBA. Can anyone advise me on this as I'm a bit confused whether to accept or not ? Thanks davg
  6. That should do the job Skennedy, will do a similar one now. Good luck mate.
  7. Hi Skennedy, I am in the same position as you regarding accepting settlement for this claim, or for all claims against the bank. I received a letter yesterday offering me the amount claimed + expenses including interest for this claim alone though. I am intending doing another claim for the outstanding charges + interest on the amount asked for in the LBA. I am worried that if I accept the settlemet offer they will strike me out too for any remaining claims. What Reidnet says should be perfect as we would be only accepting the settlement on that particular claim referred to on the court summons number. I can't see how they could strike you out for this. Good luck and let us know what you decide. davg
  8. Good for you George, your an old hand at this now. Hope they settle up with me soon as I've got 5 more claims to do albeit with different banks, going to get them started at same time though. Keep in touch, Davg.
  9. Claim filed and hearing on 30th March. Bring it on. good luck davg
  10. Sorry to mislead you townend if thats the case, the clerk who i spoke to was adamant that i was the first person to try and do the claim by adding the interest on top of £750 worth of charges. To be honest she didn't seem to clued up so Mhairi your probably right about this. There has been conflicting arguements on this for a while now, maybe one of the mods can put everyone right. davg
  11. Hi there townend, I've recently made the mistake of going for £750 worth of charges + 8% interest + expenses but was quickly put right by the clerk who said i could include the interest but as long as the two added together came in under £750. Hope this helps and good luck. davg
  12. Cheers George, i've managed to come up with something that incorporates the charges and interest at 8% that comes up below the £750 limit so should be ok now. Just worded it a wee bit differently so the judge knows that it's not judicial interest i've included. Thanks again mate. davg
  13. Went to court on thursday with papers and spreadsheet filled in but was informed by the clerk that I would have to word the claim(section4 from form 1 of the small claim summons) differently if i was to to include the 8% interest from the date the charges were brought about, not from the date of service (which would be when the summons would be served). Can anyone help me with the wording of this ? I have looked at loads of threads to see if anyone has also had this problem but i can't find any unfortunately. The clerk actually said she had never seen anyone going for 8% interest from the date the charges were brought about ontop of the judicial interest which i was a wee bit alarmed about. Hope someone can help me here, thanks. davg
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