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Todd from Toddmorden

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Everything posted by Todd from Toddmorden

  1. I think also when I called the court before this happened (ie before it was satisfied) - they suggested that when I pay Lowells, that I get an email from Lowells of confirmation, which I could send the court. I asked Lowells for email confirmation that the debt had been satisfied in time - but that never came
  2. thanks The trouble is I am speaking to day-to-day staff both at Lowells and the court So the court hasnt said anything about Lowells legal duty specifically - just that they need that info from Lowell When I speak to Lowell, they say that they are then passing over my issues to another dept (who I cant speak to directly) - who will sort it out. But dont.
  3. Hi - I am bumping this post or may start a new thread. first of all thanks for all the previous advice. I borrowed £8k and paid off the CCJ debt before the 1 month date after CCJ action. I spoke to Lowells on the phone and they confirmed that it had been paid in time. (Recorded) Since then, they just arent taking the record off the file - its now June and my credit record is taking a hammering each month this stays on there I have phoned them several times. And i have also phoned the court several times. They keep telling me they have let the court know. I phoned the court - and the court are telling me that yes the debt has been satisfied - but they weren't notified about it being satisfied within the 30 days in order that this CCJ be removed. I then phone Lowell and ask them to send the further details to the court. But they still wont do this. I am going in circles In addition, each time I have asked Lowell to send an email confirming something, they havent sent an email It seems they have no legal duty to perform the functions that they are supposed to be doing. Does anyone have any ideas please?
  4. thank you so much for your help its really appreciated. In the end I managed to borrow the money to get the CCJ removed.. .its a heavy debt but hopefully its the right decision thanks again
  5. Yes, I can do that I phoned up Lowells and the Court . But they both said that the 1 month is immovable How do I start requesting the particulars? Is that part of the N244 process? I don't know what kind of debt it was exactly - is it up to Lowells to demonstrate exactly what they are trying to claim?
  6. Yes it did, I think (erroneously as I now know) , that it was just another in a series of threatening letters that they have been sending over the years. I now know the significance of the letter
  7. Doing it now Is there anything to lose by calling Lowells? It is possible to raise the money over the next weeks - but difficult by 3rd March It could also affect job roles as often I work in finance
  8. I think the account was opened in about 1995 - but I dont have any detail of that -- I just know it was when I was a student then Yes there is a letter of claim - it appears to conform to the stipulations in that link for PAP
  9. OK looks like chances are diminishing Lloyds were relatively helpful, although all the information appears to be spread out across different systems. It would be really hard to tell what the exact sums owed are I guess, as it appear that they put charges in error in 2009, then refunded them in 2019 - and therefore difficult for me to assess what I legitimately owed as it depends on the nature and validity of the orgiginal charges - which in the end is up to Lloyds Is there any value in ringing Lowell ?
  10. thank you Is there any case to be made regarding being absent while claims and court occured and thus not being able to respond or to represent? Additionally there is a confusion about the amount owed - Lloyds apparently had made an error some time around 2009 and ten years later refunded some mony into my account (well credited the Lowell account) in Jan 2019 - I am trying to track from Lloyds, what was going on here, bu they will take 5 days to get back to me
  11. No it wasnt a CCA request I went into a local branch of halifax to examine an old account. I think I have found out what happened. around the time of the default in 2008 / 2009 - I made an agreement with Credit Security (who were employed by Lloyds) to pay off a pound a month. The account at Halifax was preloaded with around £40 . And it has been paying this in up til Nov 2015 Yes, to your last message So I was out of the country from 30 Dec 2019 to 16 Feb 2020 And during this time , a notice of pending CCJ and the Claim form were sent to me and then action took place on 4th feb
  12. I spoke to Lloyds they sent the account to a recovery team in 2008 (and thus I am told the account was defaulted) and closed the account in 2009 They received a payment of £1 in Nov 2015 from Credit Security into the debt account. I was told that credit security had been employed by Lloyds to collect the money.
  13. Is the POC the particulars of claim as above (sorry for asking basic questions) - if so , then is the account the reference number as above ?
  14. Thank you what reference number do I use please whne talking to Lloyds? Also should Lowells have provided the copy of any kind of credit agreement that I would have entered into with Lloyds in the first place?
  15. Issue Date 03 Jan 2020 1, The Defendant entered into an agreement for a Lloyds (Current Account) account under reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (“The Agreement”) 2, The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the service was terminated 3, The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 24/11/2016 by Lloyds Bank PLC and notice given to the Defendant 4, Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £8,022.51 remains due and outstanding And the claimant claims a, The said sum of £8,022.51 b, Costs
  16. Thank you . I am sorry about the confusion . Because the debt was from so long ago, I had no idea of the account type. Im still going through old records from my attic
  17. Sorry, I cant find the paperwork for the agency for whom the debt was made payable too. It looks like the orginal account was a current account. (I was suprised at this, as I never remember having this level of overdraft as a student) I am going through all the paperwork I can get my hands on now, and I am getting a clearer picture This is from Lowells: "On 02/02/1999 you entered into an agreement for a Lloyds (current account). You failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and it was later terminated and subsequently assgined to our client by Lloyds Banmlk PLC on 24/11/2016. Notice of the assignment has been previously given to you" Regards
  18. Thank you so much for your patience OK I have gone through some old bank accounts and paperwork I think this is the case - although I am still trying to get hold of more information including an old account About 10 years ago I lived in a different city (London). I went to see a debt advisor . I made an agreement to pay £1 a month to the debt, which was not Lowells at the time. This was a direct debit from an account, which I havent had any dealings with since this time, registered at my London address. There wasnt much in there but over the years the money has been paying into the Debt I am trying to get hold of access to the account - I dont have any of the details for it although I know which bank it is. I am having a sinking feeling as I think that there has been £1 paying this off up to less than the 6-year-ago date Best regards
  19. i have letters from Lowells from across the years and then in the mail, from when I returned I have a claimform I havent had any contact with Lowells or Lloyds regarding this debt I would estimate for at least 10 years and certainly not in the last 6 years . I am going through my bank accounts and any other documentation I can find now to see if I had any communication with them before then - is it possible that there could have been another creditor before Lowells that Lloyds had passed the debt on to ? The original debt was an unpaid credit card as far as I can remember many thanks Also I would like to say that I really appreciate the help, its really kind
  20. Thank you So is the set aside procedure the same regardless of whether it starts within one month of the CCJ being entered? What i mean is, is there an urgency to start it within the first month of the CCJ being entered ? Or is the procedure the same after the CCJ becomes 'unremovable' by the debt repayment?
  21. Sorry, I have only just found out about the Consumer Action Group, and its the first time I have somewhere to get solid advice it seems. I wish I had had it earlier The kind of loan was a credit card draw from Lloyds and the Claim value is 8.5k I am going through the set aside procedures now. Because I have until the 3rd March to repay it and have the CCJ removed from the record, I am quite torn as to whether to get a loan against my house and repay like that - in case the set aside didnt work
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