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Everything posted by watojules

  1. i thank you for advice Bankfodder, im sorry you or your team are to busy to correct my mistakes but given the fact that i have physical & mental impairments and only recently begun learning how to use a computer and the internet i thought i was doing okay but obviously not, word of advice for you stop and think before you judge in the future and stop being so patronising, REGARDS.
  2. UPDATE Requested the SAR, also a week ago. i sent a detailed email to currys complaining about the way ive been accused also informing them i fully intend to take this to the small claims court, yesterday i get a reply advising me to call customer service as they accept responsibility for damage in transit, i was reluctant to call because the 4 previous calls to them were a waste of time they insisted the engineers report regarding tampering was final and nothing could be changed, anyway yesterday morn i call them and the guy i spoke to had a completely different attitude maybe something had been added to the case report? he was very understanding and apologized he arranged to come and collect the tv back from me as they are fully responsible for full repair however he got the go ahead from his manager to recommend the tv to be wrote off by the repair team, so the tv's now back with them and im waiting for their response . Thanks again for advice given by everyone.
  3. sorry to be a pain but just one more thing, if this was to go all the way to court should i claim for the full cost of the tv £1699 or given it was 8 month old when developed the first fault would i be better claiming for a reduced amount
  4. Point taken BankFodder, i will take your advise i will get on with the SAR
  5. yes i still have the box bankfodder. regarding the SAR i was speaking on the phone to customer service and they took my details and said that they can request the repair reports for me and will send them.
  6. they just sent me the address to send the letter of intent so suppose that speaks for itself.
  7. looks like small claims court is the only way forward, advice needed please, would you claim against the fact they are wrongfully accusing me of tampering and refusing to repair or the fact that when it was on the way back to them for repair it was damaged in transit a dent to the side & cracked screen reported by the driver, this serious damage occurred before they even looked at the tv and allegedly found adhesive on the motherboard, any advise please
  8. can i send the SAR via email or will in need to be a letter ?
  9. Thank you Bankfodder & fkofilee, i don't suppose you can advise were i can find the address for CEO to send ? i bought from Doncaster store.
  10. Hi Andy, thanks for the reply, no paperwork its only what they told me over the phone, i did ask them for reports of both repairs but they said i need to write a letter to request them.
  11. i can't believe the call ive just had from curry's, i purchased a Tv from them March 2019 £1699 in November 2019 it developed a fault and stopped working so returned to them for repair , 4 weeks later tv was returned to me they had replaced mainboard, power supply board & screen everything was fine with the Tv for about 6 weeks then it stopped working again so 11 February they came to collect the tv again and because it was an expensive tv i packed it safe & secure in the original box to go back to them, when they collected it the driver took it to the van he took it out of the box and placed it on the floor of the van with two straps tightened over the screen without any protection then threw the box back in my garden. I called customer service the same day and complained and told them if there were any damage to the screen i wasn't responsible, seven days later i had a call from curry's saying the tv was being returned to me un repaired because the engineer looking at it found a trace of adhesive on the motherboard inside the tv and believes its been tampered with ? so void of any repair, ive found out the trace of adhesive has been found on the part they had previously replaced in November ? Why would i want to tamper with the tv its still under the 12 month guarantee, if that wasn't bad enough the tv arrived back with me and there is a big dent in the side & deep scratch on the screen so i called customer service again and the adviser told me the van driver had reported this damage was caused in transit when on the way to them for repair, so even though they have caused serious damage to it in transit conveniently they are saying because they found this trace of adhesive after they had already damaged it its void of any repair. I would really appreciate any advice regarding small claims court how to proceed, thanks Julie
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