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  1. its an on call allownace of £50 per night, 7 nights every 3 weeks, they want to change this to every 4 weeks contrcat states that we agree to be excluded from the 48hr WTD when called out we get paid the going rate for OT but still keep the on call allowance regardless.
  2. hi, the document i'm refering to is marked internal and confidential so sorry i can't add it word for word. I suppose my main thing to understand, if i have earned something in OT on a regular basis, and it's then reduced do i have a come back to the company for comensation
  3. some wording suggesting it is required 1 in every 4 week but may vary. also it mentions it reserves the right to alter these I have done the same rota for some years now, does that not help make it contractual ? Thanks Fred.
  4. Hi there, I've been on a on call rota for some years now which as been a 1 in 3 weeks and been paid a weekly allowance for this service and overtime paid extra should I be called out. My employer now wants to change this to a 1 in 4 weeks which now leaves me out of pocket just for the on call payments a year. Do I have an argument that i am effectively been force to take a pay cut and that i should be compensaited accordingly ? thanks in advance for any advise. Fred.
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