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  1. Just thought I’d do a little update, well right now I don’t live at the address that the letters are going to anymore and moved abroad due to work. My dad emailed them notifying them about this and he got no response back, fast forward a month later and now he received a letter notifying him about doorstep agent that is going to be coming? Do they have the power to do this?
  2. Oh alright. Was a bit worried with it being a final reminder an all. Is it possible that they could take things further if I ignore them like take me to court or something?
  3. Just got letters to my address from CLI debt collection agency for a car hire on a trip to Italy Where we were given fines...thing is they are asking us to pay over 1k which is absurd as the fine before we’re much much less. We were told to ignore it but I’m not sure what to do atm and if contacting them would be the right thing to do..? The letters say it’s a final reminder and that their client is in possession of an enforceable order? Don’t think I’ll be visiting Italy anytime soon so is it ok to ignore?
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