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Everything posted by Smitch

  1. I've taken advice from two separate solicitors and they both inform me that my defense is weak....it was my responsibility to have changed my v5 to new address. I pleaded not guilty at my statutory declaration as only the fail to provide was brought up in court and not the speeding offence as well. I've got my case management meeting on the 13th march. So it looks like I'll be changing my plea to guilty. Just a question, my driving disqualification was given on the 15th november for 6 months...ending on the 14th may 2020. Pleading guilty at my case management in a few week time does that restart a new ban or does it still continue from the original sentence in november for the 6 months stated. Regards Smitch
  2. Hi ,good evening. Well I made my statutory declaration today which obviously wipes the charges and points on my licence , I was all geared up with my notes and advice. The speeding offence was never raised. They only asked whether i was guilty or not guilty over the FTP. To be honest this really got me worried , I asked the court about the speeding offence and a plea bargain. They just asked whether or not I was guilty over the FTP. I felt panicked over this scenario, kind of wish I'd got representation. At the moment in time I pleaded not guilty... .this was probably the wrong thing to do , but I felt I needed representation at this point. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are.
  3. Thank you for your Help MIM. my apologies on constant messages. The speed in question was 38 in a 30. Just wondering what your thoughts are in regards to how I go about my statutory declaration in a couple of weeks. Obviously I try and bargain beforehand with the prosecutor if i can. Do i plead not guilty to both on the day ,I'm obviously making myself known (FTP) as explained earlier because of my v5 not being change address wise. I definitely know I plead not guilty to FTP as I did not know. Having not had this experience before it just started getting a little confusing. Hope you don't mind commenting Thank you
  4. Thank you ...so at my SD hearing plead not guilty so plead not guilty at my SD hearing in a couple of weeks time...apologies I seem a little confused on all this...thank you for your help Does this also mean pleading not guilty to both will lift the points on my licence Thank you for your Help MIM. my apologies on constant messages. The speed in question was 38 in a 30. Just wondering what your thoughts are in regards to how I go about my statutory declaration in a couple of weeks. Obviously I try and bargain beforehand with the prosecutor if i can. Do i plead not guilty to both on the day , I'm obviously making myself known (FTP) as explained earlier because of my v5 not being change address wise. I definitely know I plead not guilty to FTP as I did not know. Having not had this experience before it just started getting a little confusing. Hope you don't mind commenting Thank you
  5. Thank you for this information, I'm sure man in the middle will reply ,you've all been really helpful ,just want to go about this the right way. It seems the case to plead not guilty on both , I was under the impression that would be to try and have the FTP dropped prior so pleading not guilty on the FTP.
  6. Hello good morning, Thank you for your help a few days ago , I have found out that the speed was 38 mph in a 30mph zone. I have been sent all the paperwork from Sussex police and I have my statutory declaration on the 20th february. I'm guessing will I be ok to plead not guilty to the FTP and guilty to the speeding offence.
  7. Hey thank you for your information, I will find out the details and send you a message. Kindest regards
  8. Thank you , so my best option is to get to the court early ,speak with the prosecutor and try to get the FTP dropped. Pleading not guilty will obviously drop all charges. Does this mean that the 6 points (ftp and speeding offence) are automatically removed from your licence Like you say also if a deal is made where you have the Ftp dropped and its agreed ,then you can plead guilty to the speed offence which would mean I would only have 9 points on my licence and I guess be allowed to drive and licence reinstated.
  9. Thank you for your reply, I am trying to find out about the original speeding offence as I have no details on this Kind regards Thank you
  10. Totally my fault but need some advice if possible...will try to keep it short. In august 2018 I picked up an sp30 (exceeding statutory limit on a public road)occurring 3 points 3 weeks later unfortunately I picked up another offence sp50 (speeding on a motorway) occurring 3 points.....now a total of 6 points on my licence . All these were taken care of in fines payment. In all this I had forgotten to change my V5 document to a new address, my fault totally to much going on in personal life,my tax and insurance all up to date via direct debit etc etc. I just completely forgot about the v5. Then in march 2019 ,I incurred another speeding offence of which I only found out some 10 months later on 29th february 2020. This was an ms90 witha fine of £660.00. Obviously because I hadn't change my v5 address this case went to court of which I was unaware of. This has obviously led to FTP and a totting up of points being 12 or more in 3 years because 6 points come from the Ms90 and a no show. This has also led to a 6 month "DISQUALIFICATION " as of 15th November 2019. Immediately the letter came I acted on this I contacted the HMCTS in Surrey where the details were logged and of course I have started making payments on this. I have also set up at my local court to make a statutory declaration which is in 2 weeks. I am obviously guilty of the offence , is there anything I can do in regards to the FAIL TO PROVIDE. I know notification of the V5 is my responsibility but I know had I had known I would have attended which would have surely stopped the total of the 6 points already being added to my 6 points. I feel awful about this ,what is the best direction for me ,can points be removed and my disqualification lifted in any way. I know I have to pay the fine ...do I make the statutory declaration or do I just pay the fine and wait for my reinstatement of being able to drive again may. Hope someone can help with guidance and advice
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