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Everything posted by TonyLeeds

  1. It would appear that my wife had been to court numerous times previously and made arrangements to pay etc. and that her attending on Thursday was the end of the line. I only submitted the N161 appeal on advise of duty solicitor and my concern is that that there's no legal grounds to appeal. Melanite are so slippery I've asked them to cancel further action as per our agreement prior to my paying but they are insistent that the Judge be aware of my promises to take over. Does anyone have any experience with how submitting the N161 form actually works? Kind regards Tony
  2. My worry is that they've taken the payment and now realise that they may still have an opportunity to evict on a point of law as apparently my ignorance to the arrears may not have been sufficient reason to appeal, do you suggest that I attend court ? kind regards Tony
  3. I spoke to three separate people at Melanite and confirmed multiple times that paying the arrears would stop any further action but only once the payment had been taken and the lady i was speaking to realised that the court had stopped eviction pending appeal on Thursday did she change her tact and say that i'd still have to attend court and repeat my proposal to a judge. I have no faith in Melanite
  4. Good Afternoon On Thursday morning 30.01.2020 I received a frantic phone call from my wife who told me that she had just been to Leeds county court over mortgage arrears and had been unsuccessful and that we were to be evicted a 12.45 the following Day Friday 31.01.2020. I had no knowledge of any arrears as my wife has always done the family financial stuff whilst I concentrate on providing for the family and she has effectively kept the ongoing legal issues from me. I rang the mortgage company Melanite who then told me that we'd had multiple suspended possession orders over past 12 years and that they had used threat of Eviction 22 times over past 12 years to ensure we cleared ongoing arrears issues ! all this was news to me. They told me that arrears were £6650 and the only way I could stop eviction was to pay in full, I told them that i'd do my upmost to raise the arrears but as an extra measure I submitted a N161 to court to appeal against the Judges decision to uphold the eviction, the court subsequently stopped the eviction with a new hearing set for Thursday 6.02.20. I successfully raised the arrears amount through a family member and paid Melanite the full arrears on Friday 31.01.20 on the basis that they would cancel any further action and that i would take control of the Mortgage repayments. My concern is that it would appear that Melanite haven't cancelled all action and that i'm still going to have to attend court on Thursday 6.02.20 I've been in touch with Ascent Legal and they have confirmed that they're going to be in court on that date for an application hearing. Any Suggestions would be hugely appreciated as i don't know if there's still chance that we'll be evicted even though I've paid the arrears. Kind regards Tony
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