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Everything posted by Priestt

  1. Still giving them the token payment. Was waiting to hear back from NR before doing anything else.
  2. I sent NRAM the URL and they replied saying I have no grounds to claim irresponsible lending!
  3. Does it make any difference that the loan was taken out before the fca brought about rules regarding irresponsible lending / affordability checks?
  4. Thanks. So you think I should go back to NRAM? even though they sold the debt to Cabot. Do you have a template for an IRL letter?
  5. I received the SAR back today, please find attached. sar_return.pdf
  6. Thanks, I will get that in the post and let you know what I get back.
  7. My other concern is that one of the ways I have rebuilt my credit the last couple years is with a Halifax credit card. Could sending them a SARs affect that?
  8. Could Halifax take it to court and get a CCJ? How will getting a SAR help?
  9. It's just that I have rebuilt my credit rating and don't want to drop back to zero again.
  10. I haven't been able to find the original paperwork for it, but I think I would have open the account around 2006-2008 and probably defaulted around 2009-2010.
  11. The current balance is £2581.30. Not sure exactly what the original amount was when I defaulted. When ever they write they do refer to Halifax as being their client.
  12. I defaulted on a £2500 overdraft from Halifax about 10 years ago and since have been paying Moorcroft a token payment. I understand that overdrafts are different to other debts and that I can't ask for a copy of the CCA. Is there another way of dealing with this debt? Or am I stuck trying to pay it off slowly?
  13. So even though NRAM sold this loan they should still have the original info? Should I send a SARs to Cabot as well?
  14. Thank you all for the advice so far. I think I will write back to Cabot stating the CCA is not legible and ask for a better copy and go from there. If I was to go down to route of irresponsible lending how would I go about that? I still have a lot of paperwork from that time, I will check over the weekend if I have a credit report.
  15. Although it is hard to read it does state that it is a consolidation loan.
  16. The quality is bad but it is the original, I blacked out my details.
  17. Here is the CCA I received from Cabot. Scan_3_Feb_2020.pdf
  18. I took out a loan for £16k from Northern Rock in 2003. I was in trouble in less than a year and defaulted on the loan. I agreed a reduced payment, but after about a year had to reduce my payments again, since then I have kept paying a token payment of £3 a month. Cabot are now dealing with the loan and have recently supplied an original signed copy of the agreement, the page below and a statement of all payments made since taking the loan. I am still not in a position to be able to offer more than token payments. Is there anything I can do to finally clear this debt? I know there has been a lot of focus on short term loans being given when they are unaffordable, is it the same for long term loans?
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