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Everything posted by jesquared

  1. FEEDBACK FROM COURT HEARING A big thank you to all especially @ THE MAN IN THE MIDDLE for the advice and patience in explaining the statutory declaration to me. Had my appointment in court today, pleaded guilty to the speeding offence while the FTP offence was dropped. Got charged ₤88 (with an option to pay over 4months) plus 3points which is far better than the initial 6points and ₤811 fine. Once again, thank you all, am indeed grateful.
  2. @ man in the middle ---- need a bit of clarification, if getting to the magistrate court on Friday I find out that I have been charged ONLY for Failing to provide driver's details (FtP), speeding not included, can I still request for a plea bargain or should I just plead guilty to FTP. Am really worried about different scenarios that could play out on Friday. Any advice will be appreciated.
  3. Thanks for your response, well appreciated, I was the one driving as at the time of the offence and I was doing 35mph on a 30mph road. Is it worth engaging the services of a lawyer to explore the option of asking the prosecution if they would accept a plea to the original speeding allegation or is it something I can do myself. Am just worried about the effect of MS90 on my insurance premium for the next 4 years
  4. Hi, I'm new to this forum looking for any kind of advice. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Moved house and forgot to change my address with DVLA (changes it on my driving license though) I have been driving for over 6 years with a clean driving license Got a letter from West Mercia Enforcement Centre titled "FURTHER STEPS NOTICE" stating am owing £811, this came as a surprise as I never had any letter previously Checked my Driving License details on gov.uk website and found MS90, 6points and £660 fine recorded on my details Called West Mercia Enforcement Centre and was told I was sent a speeding fine for driving at 35mph iso 30mph, failed to respond as such the case was tried in court in my absence I have requested for a statutory Declaration, which is coming up at a magistrate court next Friday 31/01/20 What are my options please, how do I go about this process to get the best possible outcome. I have tried to summarize the whole case as much as possible but happy to supply any other information needed
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