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Everything posted by Ashamed1982

  1. Have now received a voicemail to discuss payment options from blp. Should I discuss this with them and if I don’t pay will this leave me with a CCJ?
  2. They are claiming for the amount of £424.75 and that’s including compensation. There was no arrest or prosecution and if I handed in my resignation they would give me a reference. I will definitely not be doing that again and I’m deeply ashamed of myself for doing it in the first place.
  3. There was an investigation and said if I resign now there would be no further action and I’d be able to receive a reference and any pay due to me. It doesn’t say how much the compensation is.
  4. I was having a really bad time last year and regrettably stole some money from my work and after an investigation I handed in my notice. I have never done anything like that before and I’m very ashamed. Today I received a letter from BLP of a notice of civil claim demanding a payment to cover loss and compensation to the company to be paid in full in 10 days can they enforce this?
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