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Everything posted by Wrighty123

  1. Thanks Man in the Middle, really helpful advice. I was going to go with this in the mitigation section: I am sorry for wasting the courts time. I have already pleaded guilty to the offence and paid a £200. However, I did not read the fixed penalty notice properly and failed to send my driving license to the conditional offer unit. I accept full responsibility for this. Since the offence I have turned on the ‘do not disturb while driving’ feature on my iPhone so my I do not receive notifications whilst I am driving. In his witness statement PC Bennett says I told him I was driving to Southmead Hospital to visit my wife. This was not the case; I do not have a wife. I told PC Bennett I was driving to Southmead Hospital as I was working on call for the Microbiology laboratory there. I work on call between the hours of 8pm and 8 am once a month. On this occasion my phone rang whilst I was driving. I could not see anywhere to pull in so I answered it. I have since spoken to my laboratory manager who has said it is okay not to answer my phone if the situation arises again as long as I call the hospital back within half an hour. With all this in mind I would be extremely grateful if the fine is equivalent to the original fixed penalty. I didn't want to lay it on too thick.
  2. Thanks for your reply Man in the Middle, I will send the form back and explain how I’m sorry for wasting their time. I’ll say how I didn’t realise I had to send my license off, accept it’s my fault and ask for leniency. is the fine definitely half a weeks income?
  3. Thanks, is there a way of working out what the fine will be? Will it be my weekly wage? Will I get a 33% reduction if a plead guilty within 21 days? Will I have to pay a 10% victim surcharge? Will I have to pay court costs (about £85)?
  4. I wasn’t aware I had to. What is likely to happen now? Will I have to pay another fine? Is there anyway of working out how much the fine will be? What will happen to the £200 I have already paid?
  5. I got caught using my mobile phone whilst driving in July. I pleaded guilty and paid a £200. I have now received a single justice procedure notice asking me to make a plea and give details of my income and outgoings. Does anyone know why I am receiving this? I thought it had been dealt with months ago. What is likely to happen now? Will I have to pay another fine? Is there anyway of working out how much the fine will be? What will happen to the £200 I have already paid?
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