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  1. Thank you so much for your reply, I'm so greatful. Yes, up to date. The only thing I'm thinking it could be was relating to car tax. In October 2018 I separated from my husband and I closed the joined account, where the direct debit was linked to. My bank assured me that all direct debits would move to my new account. All of them were moved apart from my monthly direct debit for my car tax. In May 2019, CSC Collect sent me a letter advising I owed £80 for tax arrears from the DVLA. I was distrought as I always pay everything on time and mortified that my bank had not moved the direct debit as promised. I called the DVLA immediately to pay the outstanding amount and set up the direct debit. I was so concerned about it I paid DVLA directly and not CSC, on the trust that everything would update. I have checked my bank statement and I have definitely paid DVLA. My thoughts are my records were not updated with CSC? They have failed to send me any further correspondence or any chasers. I know that I should have checked my bank account to make sure that the monthly £12 was coming out; however in the mist of a divorce and the amount being so small, I must admit I did not see it . This is incredibly stressful, so hope there is a simple explanation as the amount has now increases to £827
  2. Hello I really would appreciate your help. I have received a letter from the Avon and Somerset Compliance Enforcement Office, stating a further steps notice. I have no idea what it is regarding and I am so worried as have never received any previous correspondence. Can you please advise what they deal with?
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