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Everything posted by Wigwambam

  1. Hi all, I applied for a loan with Bamboo nearly 12 months ago for £1200. T he loan was accepted and I received the money the day after, fortunately I was in a position were I could pay the money back within the 14 day cooling off period which I did (happy days) this week I went on my credit file which still shows the bamboo loan active with the full balance still showing outstanding surely bamboo shouldn’t of even recorded this on my credit file if I paid the full amount back within the cooling off period??
  2. What details would I need to change to open a new PayPal account without them realising about my old one? I’m guessing my email address is one of them?
  3. Right, so owing EBay is just the same as owing PayPal basically? There is nothing legally they can do?
  4. The £38 outstanding balance is to EBay not PayPal, I know one owns the other technically but does the same rules apply to eBay with negative balances? I owe £19,000 to PayPal and £38 to EBay as we speak.
  5. I got in touch with EBay via email asking them to send me info on how pay my fees by bank transfer only, they got back in touch saying I need to set up a “direct debit” first and sent me a link to do so, on the link I have to type in my bank details, sort code etc is this correct for me to do or does It open the door for PayPal to gain access to my back account? I’m frightened of giving my full bank details away and then wallop!
  6. I owe eBay nearly £40 for sellers fees, obviously PayPal declined this so I’ve got an outstanding balance with eBay now. How do I pay this without giving them my bank or credit card details? On the website the only way of paying is with PayPal or debit/credit card details
  7. Not had any letters or phone calls from PayPal BUT today I’ve received a text from WESCOT asking me to contact them! Is it best just to totally ignore them?
  8. This question may have been answered before but is it wise to send money from my new bank account to PayPal (bank transfer) or would they then be able to take what they want from my bank account?
  9. Possibly but like it’s been said on this thread a few times, don’t think it’s happened as yet?
  10. I’ve never heard of PayPal being prosecuted for money laundering? Or do you mean allowing it to happen?
  11. How do you mean “people I am dealing with” ? PayPal or the DCA ? When I pay the money back in small parts it’ll be straight to PayPal and nobody else.
  12. Quick update. My PayPal is nearly £20,000 negative balance and as been for just over a week now but yet no calls or letters off them. My account as been restricted obviously and my friends account that I was sending money to then sending it straight back to mine as been restricted also, stating “your account as been restricted due using it in a questionable manner” is this common in this situation?
  13. My nerves are slightly more settled and I’m hoping for a decent nights sleep tonight for the first time in a while . Should I try and talk to PayPal or is that just a waste of time?
  14. Sure I read somewhere that PayPal MADE 2.2 billion dollars in 2018, so I guess losing out on say 10 million a year in negative balance is more cost effective than paying tax in the UK? Dont get me wrong I’m by no means saying “sod it” they can afford it, I’m just hoping they don’t take me to the cleaners and at least give me time.
  15. I know this is morally wrong and will definitely be against PayPal’s “rules” and “terms and conditions” but I’m not sure if at all it was against the “law” if it was deemed a criminal offence why the hell would PayPal allow such transactions!? Also I’ve been told the debt isn’t a UK debt so can’t be enforced in a UK court, so for this debt to be sold to a UK DCA which in turn makes it a UK debt surely isn’t allowed as well? Any thoughts? I suspect so myself, Sometimes higher sometimes lower but the weight of £20,000 is well and truly on my shoulders. This totally my fault and it’s totally my responsibility to sort it. I want to and will sort this but it’s going take a hell of a long time! I still can’t get my head around how they would let me make such big transactions, I was to-ing and fro-ing the same amount and it was just cancelling each other out. When the amount was due out of my bank account I’d simply make a transaction to cover it and so on.
  16. I’ll have to ring the bank and ask as I’m not sure You really think I could just ignore PayPal and DCAs and this will simply go away after time? I’ve calculated what I’ll owe and it’ll be £20,000
  17. So I could make a payment with my new debit card and this won’t link it to PayPal in anyway? Make payment over the phone not via the website?
  18. So ignore any calls/letters off DCAs and try and work with PayPal directly to pay small amounts that I can afford? Like ive said, I’ve opened a new bank account and transferred my regular in’s and out’s to that account. I’ve removed my old debit card from PayPal but left on there my old bank account info, reason being I’m hoping that makes it easier to send payments to PayPal. Does this seem a good idea? Forget the old account being on there! My old bank account will automatically close when the transfer of bank accounts is complete. So going forward how do I pay off the debt in small payments without using my bank/card details? Is it possible to put the money in a family members account and transfer it via them?
  19. Hi, I’m in a similar situation to you but with a lot more negative balance (a lot more!!!) how have things been since your last post?
  20. Not much I can do for the next week or 2 until all the payments have returned to PayPal then obviously wait for the phone calls. I’m going to ignore any calls, letters and emails from DCAs. I’ll ask PayPal to only partially freeze my account so I can make payments from my old bank account to gradually pay it off. I’m hoping if they see I’m making regular payments (whatever I can afford) on a weekly basis that this will keep them from taking it to court even though I’ve been told numerous times that they won’t and can’t go to court anyway. I’m hoping that the light at the end of a very very long tunnel shows it’s face soon because this is making me ill. I’ve looked high and low on the net and I can’t find anywhere that PayPal took someone to court, SOLD the debt to a DCA, or a DCAs knocked at your door for money?? Just phone calls and letters is all I can see when I search ? Is this true or does anyone know of any different?
  21. I’m guessing as well, court is more for debt people refuse to pay point blank, I want and will pay it back but obviously it’ll take a long time to do so. I’ve read that they give 120 days to clear it before it moves on?
  22. So I guess now it’s just a waiting game? Just wait for the balance to go negative and wait for the call and letters and take it from there?
  23. So they can’t even get a CCJ against me? Unless they sell the debt? Even though this is a debt it’s not a “credit agreement” that’s defaulted so does this come into play? I read on on another website forum that a guy had a £12,000 negative balance and he had agreed a monthly repayment plan with the DCA. Has just given in to easily in your opinion?
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