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  1. Hi, yes that is what has happened. The technician originally said that the tyres were for BMW, it came to light in the PayPal disputes I’ve had with them that it’s not only for BMW but certainly not for my car. It seems like everyone I speak to has a different sort of opinion on what the tyres are for. We looked for a branded tyre within a good price range and chose that tyre assuming any tyre on the list would have fit our car.. I shall do that yes I would like the call recording as I am actually quite upset how the lady spoke to us about it when we contacted customer services anyway. Thanks for helping.
  2. Hi, yes this is the same sort of response I keep getting about this. Yes so it asked for the registration number of the car, and this was inputted correctly. It’s then “found” the brand and type of car “Kia carens 1.6” etc and then came up with the “Recommended” list we then selected the tyres from. I have checked it since we bought them and the same tyre still comes up. In response to the lady above where we “assumed” we did assume the tyres would be correct in the list so didn’t see any need to ring to confirm if you see what I mean. We did try ringing the company but they were unwilling to provide information of supervisor. It seems like the company isn’t going to do anything about this..
  3. They simply keep stating the terms and conditions. Their recent response has been that they will not be contacting us further on PayPal regarding this. I don’t know anything about tyres.. I picked a tyre that was recommended for my car as I assumed the website was competent enough to provide the correct tyre for my car considering they were able to distinguish what brand/type/engine size my car was .I assumed wrongly sadly
  4. hj sorry for not responding sooner. So I’ve started a pay pal dispute and they just keep firing back the same some terms and conditions at me that I provided inaccurate information (I didn’t, I inputted my registration number and it came up with a list of tyres recommended for my car). I did think they were part of Halfords, when the PayPal payment went through it went to a company called victor holdings limited, not sure if that’s the same as Halfords or if they’re partly owned by victor holdings. I will escalate the PayPal dispute at some point, it says I have until 30th November to do this. If they come back to me and paste the same terms and conditions then I will escalate as that will have been the third time they have done this. I have taken screenshots of the product I ordered and also of other tyres that do actually mention that they are for BMW, so it’s not impossible for them to add it in the description. I will try contact Halfords instead. Thanks
  5. Hi, we paid by PayPal before the tyre fitting, and when we phoned them she told us she would be refunding us minus the £40 because we were asking to speak to her manager and she got annoyed. The company is “tyres on the drive” and you pick your tyres through the Halfords website https://www.tyresonthedrive.com/?sv_tax1=Google&sv_tax2=Brand&sv_tax3=Brand&sv_tax4=tyres on the drive-e&sv_campaign_id=1748016413&gclid=CjwKCAiAzanuBRAZEiwA5yf4ukFdQf4--AkLndcWk0RlkvgMHfvwPVObQ0w8RVaY6KItAdvRMr05FRoC8AcQAvD_BwE Thanks again
  6. Hi, We purchased some tyres online to be fitted by an online company (not sure if I’m allowed to state the company) on the website it enables you to input your registration number and it then finds tyres which are suitable for your car. We picked a tyre and then on the day of fitting the technician said they couldn’t be fitted to our car as they were specifically for BMW cars. He said we wouldn’t be charged because we picked the right size etc. We rung up a few days later to re-book fitting and were told we were going to be charged £40 for the call out. The website did not state on the tyre that we picked that they were only suitable for BMW, or that they weren’t suitable for “a,b,c” type cars. I feel it’s unfair we have been charged this fee. I have no idea about tyres and they seem to have aligned their T&C’s to excuse them of any blame in this sort of situation.. Is there even anything I can do? :( Thanks
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