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Everything posted by Lover1981

  1. Dx100uk thank you very much for helping and taking your time out to reply. I will contact DVLA again and see what they say, maybe another operator might be more helpful. Will keep posted
  2. Many thanks.didnt think it was that bad. Do you think the DCA will accept an installment plan?
  3. Many thanks. But just to clarify if the penalty is not paid can it go to court? Or have court action. If I choose to ignore the DCA
  4. Thanks for the reply! I don't want them to come and take my car off me or anything. Things like this worry me some what,
  5. I wondered if you could lend me some advice. I have a letter from CCS Collect asking for £80 for the DVLA (on behalf of) for late licensing penalty for my car. Telling me I need to make the payment in the next 7 days. I have contacted DVLA who tell me to deal only with the collection agency. To cut along story short I suffer from bipolar and my budgets are handled by my mum, however the car tax obviously went astray at some point , neither I nor her can remember. Having talked to my mum I can't afford to whole £80 at the moment as i am still trying to get back on track. Does anyone know what the best course of action for me might be, would they take installments? I haven't contacted CCS yet as I was told to contact you guys first. Thanks Joe
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