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Everything posted by liamhaylett

  1. Hi everyone, I had what has deemed to be a "one-off seizure" (Full story below if you want to read it) at the end of April this year and therefore had my license taken away for six months. THE STORY: So, I was taking depressants Sertraline and was double dosing them. I had gone on a night out and drunk even heavier until early hours as I got emotionally wrecked after it brought memories of a recent painful breakup so i drank even more to hide the pain. Sadly for me, the lack of sleep, the booze, the dehydration made my body go into a seizure. The doctor signed me off work for 6 weeks with depression and in the wake of the seizure. I stopped taking my depressants right away as I read that they can cause seizures and there's even an article of someone my age (24 Years Old) dying in his sleep after taking them. Maybe that didn't cause it but i've seen a lot of negative stuff about it, whatever, I wasn't risking it, I've been getting proper help & support with my depression. The Neurologist carried out tests which found that I AM NOT epileptic and then from my MRI stated there was "No abnormalities in my brain to cause seizures" Fantastic! My friend told me I can reapply for my license back 8 weeks before the 6 month anniversary, I called the DVLA and they confirmed I can and sent me a D1 & FEP1 pack out. I have filled it in and sent it last Tuesday 17/09/19. It was sent recorded and they received it 6am the next day. How long will they take to get back to me with the license? Better, is anybody else in this situation or has been? What was your experience with it? My obvious preferred ending is that I get my license done and received to my door by October 28th 2019, that is my 6 month anniversary which i'll be free of seizures. How long do you think DVLA will take? Thank you to anyone who reaches out to help!! L
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