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Everything posted by Jacknm2

  1. I understand that this is probably a common thread with the answer always being either A or B so thanks to any one who read the post. Having not slept at all since all of this and after 2 failed appeal attempts by non descript robots, Shirley and Stacey who do not even provide their full names and ignore my requests for proof of the prescriptions with the signatures. I have decided to pay the £108 and await the next lot of fines to come through just so I can get some sleep, though I will still worry when the next dagger comes for me. I am however contacting my MP in regards to the lack of a system in place to correct geniune mistakes. This kind of system exploits that fact and they get around the £100 maximum per Penalty charge by splitting up the items, I should only be paying £127 per prescription + Penalty charge (3x £9 per item + £100 max) and instead they sent me a Penalty charge for 1 item at £9 + £45, so £54 and the second one for £18 + £90 so £108 equalling £162 total so far. Being disabled and suffering with anxeity this system does less against prescription fraud and more against exploiting flaws in their system and those slipping through the cracks. I get the same scare tactic answer back everytime I message these robots and to be fair, its working on me. I doubt this thread will help any one, but at least people see what happens. I know I'm technically in the wrong, I wasn't exempt and I should of checked, it's my responsibility. It was easier when we had the cards as I carried that every where with me, but who takes an A4 sheet of paper that says you are exempt everywhere with them? Why doesn't HMRC notify people that they are no longer eligable. It's just a system built to build errors and by shifting all the responsibility on to us the receipients they absolve themselves and I don't think that system is fair. Any way, thanks again.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm yet another soul thats come from google looking at the forum for some advice regarding a recent PCN that I have been sent. I got a charge back in August of £9 + £45 PCN, this was for a singular item which is odd because I get 3 items on my prescription monthly. What happened was I was issued an Exemption form back in October 2018 due to Tax credits and income support, however I decided to not let my disability hold me back and found a place that wanted to take me on, as the government encourages also paying full tax and National insurance. I though I was doing the right thing, however the certificate ran out in April and we were not issued another one nor told that we were no longer exempt, neither I nor my partner checked so I paid the charge after holding my hand up to it, however I stated that I had received 3 prescriptions since this with 3 items on each and was told that they can only deal with the one on this case that has been opened with the PCN. I thought the matter was settled when I got a pre payment certificate that I could only back date to mid July and received no more letters. Come yesterday when I get a PCN now for £90 with £18 in prescription charges.... I sent in a challenge explaining what had gone on and all the above and that I would happily pay for all outstanding prescription charges but I would not pay for any more fines as I deemed them unfair. I got a response today saying there is no way to pay for unpaid prescriptions and as they are classed as legal documents there is no way to remove the fine. lets say I pay this fine, again.... how am I to stop further letters and fines if they have no way for me to correct the error of an honest mistake. The respondent also said they have said they understand I did not act with any intent to defraud yet there is still no exemption in this matter. The only thing they can do is set a payment plan and they havent even told me if that will include all of the prescriptions. At this rate I am looking at £405 alone in PCN's and the way they push all the responsibility on to the person without sending any notification feels like entrapment. I am hoping any one can give me some advice here as what to do next, I am not looking at getting out of paying the prescriptions, I will happily do so but I feel the fines are unwarranted especially after I have already paid one and tried to pay for the other prescriptions. I think there needs to be a change in the way this is handled, I understand trying to catch intentional fraudsters but this was a genuine mistake and one that I am willing to rectify. As for clarity on my disability I had an at work accident back in 2013 that caused 3 of my discs to herniate causing sciatica and nerve damage down my left leg, I meet the requirements for Personal Independence Payments but not with help in mobility by a few points. I also get Industrial Incident disablement benefit. Thanks for any replies Jack
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