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Everything posted by flyingblind31

  1. Thank you as always. I’ve been approached by all the different companies in the last 7 years and every time they seem to find a different angle of attack to get under my skin and push me against the ropes!
  2. If I was to file for an IVA in the UK, would the likes of IDR still be able to chase me?
  3. Good afternoon guys, I’ve had a response from from IDR Legal. In response to my PAP letter, they claim that I have misunderstood their original letter and they are acting on the behalf of the bank and not acting as a debt purchaser. They claim that any Notice of change to the terms and conditions where available on the banks website and regarding any notice of default, this is a concept under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and has no relevance in this matter. They confirm that there is no equivalent under UAE law and that the credit card statements (provided) are sufficient in evidencing my liability. Finally, they say that it isn’t a statutory claim, where their client intends to rely upon any particular statue but is a contractual claim following my failure to meet my contractual repayment obligations. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.
  4. What is more concerning is that these people are staying afloat and making money, so some poor people must be falling for their dirty tactics!
  5. No, I’ve heard from IDRWW in the past. This appears to be different, but I’m guessing it’s the same Mickey Mouse outfit operating under a slightly different name.
  6. Received a letter from IDR Legal this morning, seems very similar to the stuff I’ve had in the past from different outfits! Anybody else heard from this company?
  7. Thank you. I have followed your guidance and prepared my response. What I meant was, does this statement need to be added onto the reply. "Any and All other statutes of law, be them UK or otherwise, that the claimant intends to rely upon should they wish to proceed and issue a uk Court Claim" Sorry for being a pain, I'm just not clued up at all in such matters.
  8. Sorry if this is a really stupid question. Do I need to add this statement to section I as well? "Any and All other statutes of law, be them UK or otherwise, that the claimant intends to rely upon should they wish to proceed and issue a uk Court Claim" Thank you in advance..
  9. Thank you for your advice, it is very much appreciated. I will keep you posted on any developments.
  10. I received the PAP few weeks ago but our most recent correspondence was yesterday via email and telephone (before seeing your forum). After reviewing my budget summary, they wanted a list of my assets (I only have my house, which is under mortgage) and 3 months bank statements. I told them that I wanted to go and seek guidance before committing anything else. They said fine and that the 30 days would restart then. (yesterday - 10th Oct) I haven't sent anything back in regards to the original PAP.
  11. Hi @unclebulgaria67 Thank you for the response. It is a combination of a loans and credit cards and a payment hasn't been made since March 2015. To the best of my recollection, I have never formally acknowledged the debt, especially not the outrageous interest, in a written form but I have spoken to them over the phone in the past. I now know that this isn't ideal, but even on the phone, I dont actually remember acknowledging the debt. Up till now, I have always followed the guidance of the national debt helpline and other debt help companies, one of which, told me to go into an IVA.
  12. Good morning all, I have received a PAP from Moriarty Law. I have been approached by IDRWW and CWD in the past, but they all went quiet once I sent them a budget summary as per the guidance of the national debt helpline. . After reading though this forum, I now realise that this may have been a mistake. After receiving the PAP from ML, with little understanding, I also sent them a budget summary, but now I realise that this isn't the correct way to handle them. What shall I do now going forward? Should a reply using the guidance supplied by @dx100uk Any help would be much appreciated, as this is now creating a lot of stress and anxiety.
  13. Good morning all, I too have received a PAP from Moriarty Law, is it OK to reply using the guidance on this forum?
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