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Non Couch Potato

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Everything posted by Non Couch Potato

  1. Hi Andy Delayed? It was only concluded yesterday. There is a new payment plan agreed and that's it really. No time order required.
  2. I understand what your saying, however I paid the 2x £60. And 2x £1.80. Something I need to forget about quickly. Profeteiring at its best. Cheers.
  3. Thank you for your comment I applaud your observation to which I have forgotten about already.
  4. Hi Manxman Very harsh, more expense for me during the lockdown period. They know people will forget to pay, thus profeteiring immensely.
  5. The basis of my appeal was simply, I forgot to pay the toll fee within the 48 hrs. That's it really.
  6. Update Well I had high hopes for my appeal of (Forgetting to pay) to which they have,after consideration, denied both appeals. Money making scam imo. I must pay £31.80. within the stipulated terms of 14 days from the 10th May which is obviously overdue, so now it is £61.80 X 2. What an absolute Scam. Gutted is an understatement.
  7. I never e-mailed. you can only respond by their official website, it is pretty good and informative. Cheers
  8. Hi dx. I thought about that but wanted the official paper trail. Cheers
  9. Hi. I have appealed the fines via their website, I will update further as soon as I have a reply. Thank you
  10. dx Indeed, you are correct, how're this is money making scam at its best. Forget to pay in 48 hrs and get fined £30/60. I will appeal firstly and update here. Thank you.
  11. Good Morning dx The Toll is The River Tyne Tunnels. Pay within 14 days and its £31.80. within 30 days is £61.80. Thankyou NCP
  12. Hi All this is new to me, going through my local toll you can collect an invoice/ticket and pay within 48 hrs, so back and forth x5 paid x 4 @£1.80 each way, then forgot about two, tried to pay and it said no, notification in post. I now have two ,fines, for £60.00 each. Non payment will result in the debt, being passed to a 3rd party blah blah. Do I simply contest these re forgetting to pay, or tell them to? Thank you
  13. Thankyou Shall I report it to 101? or even send complaint to Advantage. I am having to keep vehicle elsewhere at the mo till this is sorted , aa I don't trust them anymore.
  14. Hi all Yesterday an obnoxious agent from advantage called at my home wanting to collect vehicle? there was a little confrontation between the agent and my partner he would not give his name and she never thought of videoing the scenario but he told her that the vehicle had been reported stolen to the police and that they will be coming to 'get me' I have recently called the police station and give them my details and they said nobody has called them and the vehicle is not reported in any way. I am quite furious at what they have done considering the recent paperwork they sent me. is this another under hand tactic of there's? The police woman I spoke to said I can register a complaint as he was quite abusive towards my partner and made threats of me being arrested etc. my mind is telling me to call Advantage and tell them what I think but I know that is wrong would it be better if I sent an e mail to them ? Thank you
  15. do,I Know the drill with these lot as catharsis taught me well, however they were never of the phone to me with threats of collecting vehicle etc and demands using aggressive tones, then their collection agent said the vehicle would be reported stolen, so I kept in touch with them .
  16. Hi DX I I know what you mean but they were never off the phone to me making threats to report the vehicle stolen and telling me their agent was on his way when he actually wasn't. I tried to pay the arrears but then they took away the opportunity and it is how it is right now. I would like to take you up on your offer of an email address please. Thank you.
  17. Hi DX. I don't understand what you mean when you say... The threatened you and you fell for it.. yes they threatened me and then the carried out the threat I don't know what else I could have done to prevent this but like you say ' oh well' but I know what you mean. When I initially asked for help, it got resolved, then it took a turn, to which I asked for help again, and I was given more help, I acted upon it and ' they' kept the pressure on me to the situation I have now. I massively appreciate the help and direction I always receive and no doubt will be back here albiet, more assertive and proactive. In the meantime I'm I will look to progress further with the advice I have been given throughout these posts. Thank you so much for your time effort and patience.
  18. Hi dx. I have read and tried the upload and it looses me, but I will try again. I never paid the arrears as they would not wait another day. So they removed the right to pay off arrears and terminated the contract. They sent a letter saying.....' you are no longer in possession of the vehicle with our consent' ??
  19. Hi dx. I now have payment details etc ( but seriously struggling to upload) along with a letter from Advantage , outlining 'we' have been unable to reach a reasonable resolution as regards the outstanding debt, despite numerous attempts to contact me. ( Load of tosh, I was never of the phone and email to them) They advise me to take legal advise and respond within 30 days, if not then it's court for ROGO to enforce the order. Amongst the paperwork there is an I&e form. And a request to advise them who I am using for advice? What is my next step, apart from uploading the statement of payments which I struggle to do. Can I just screenshot.? TIA
  20. Hi I have just received a letter from Advantage ..... Because you have not comply with terms of default notice. And section 87 (1) of CCU 1974. The agreement is now terminated. You are no longer in possession of the vehicle with our consent. ,............................................................. Wow. Should I be using the vehicle? Shall I reply? I will upload the docs tonight. Thank you
  21. Hi. Yes I want to keep the vehicle. I shall get my head around the upload procedure. Thank you Cheers
  22. Hi. Yes I want to keep the vehicle. Shall I scan the full agreement. Cheers
  23. Wow that letter is awesome and it has instantly made me in a better mood as I have done everything I can giving my health conditions to deal with the finance company. I mentioned previously that I had emailed the company and told them I will not give the whereabouts of the vehicle and that I would pay the arrears by the end of today, however they have now advised me that they have terminated my contract and that they want full payment of the outstanding balance buy close of today otherwise they will take further action. With this in mind shall I still pay the arrears or await their response and defend from there, with the help from here. However if if I clear my arrears this evening then would that not be wasted money based on them terminating my contract thus opening up a whole new can of worms, and to be honest I would love to defend their actions as they have not helped or assisted me during my attempt for help giving my medical condition and circumstances surrounding my non payments and subsequent arrears. What further action would they take when they terminate my agreement at the closed off today,? and what would happen with the vehicle agreement is terminated would it then be illegal to still use the vehicle? Thank you.
  24. Once again thank you for for this much needed advice. I will scan my contract and then upload here. And to be honest I did fall for their twaddleyet I have been on this group for many years now and should know better.
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