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Everything posted by tarm39

  1. It doesn’t seem likely they will though they might just say we didn’t do it on MCOL or it’s too late now. And I don’t want to lose £275 only to find I’m then liable for the other amount
  2. My mother in law has had an email back from the court saying about filling out the N244 form and that there is a £275 fee to send it off?!?
  3. I definitely do as I’ve not done all of this so far to then just have to pay it thanks to them!
  4. Thank you, I’m in a difficult position with this I think now. We’re about to start looking for a family car and I don’t know how this will affect me in the immediate future. I also don’t really know exact where I stand and what the steps are now as some people have said I need to send off a form and then others are saying not yet etc and to complain but I don’t know what I need to do as of right now thanks everyone
  5. I’ll send it in writing but not sure how long I have before I need to start panicking and if I need to actually pay this
  6. Is complaining going to help me? I’m now stuck with this letter and almost certainly now I need to pay the fine?
  7. Yeah we both did but we couldn’t get back into MCOL so we sent the defence via email on the 11th October and now we’ve had these letters. Not good
  8. today I got a letter through the post saying I have not replied to the claim form and that I am ordered to pay the claimant £172.49 for debt and interest to date of judgement. And £110 for costs you must pay the claimant £282.49 I sent an email to them and got a receipt of delivery and my mother in law has had the exact same letter and we both sent the defence email to the email address given above by dx100. why have I received this letter?!
  9. She was the registered keeper of the vehicle at the time but she sold the car a few months ago and was wondering if that alters the wording on the defence as I am doing hers as well for her
  10. Thank you for your help. I will try again to log in to respond on MCOL and if it does not work I will just email them my response. Strangely on a side note, my brother in law has not received a court letter like this at all yet and we were all there on the same day. If MCOL does not work I hope email will be suffice as I hate sending emails without proof they received them.
  11. I had that template defence ready to go on the same day i did the AOS. i was just waiting a little to see if they replied or I thought they could turn around and say they weren't given any time to respond if i were to base my defence on them not replying, which i thought was the entire purpose of the CPR, although i must admit my apologies for lack of research on the CPR part
  12. this happened on the weekend as well as during the week last week it simply wont let me go any further than that and the details are 100% correct. I did the AOS perfectly fine but for a week now it is not letting me log in to respond it just keeps saying incorrect claim number or password and i mustve checked it 1000 times now I think i know the details off by heart. I have the template defence saved on a file ready to go he Defendant contends that the particulars of claim are vague and generic in nature which fails to comply with CPR 16.4. The Defendant accordingly sets out its case below and relies on CPR r 16.5 (3) in relation to any particular allegation to which a specific response has not been made. 1. The Defendant is the recorded keeper of [motor vehicle]. 2. It is denied that the Defendant entered into a contract with the Claimant. 3. As held by the Upper Tax Tribunal in Vehicle Control Services Limited v HMRC [2012] UKUT 129 (TCC), any contract requires offer and acceptance. The Claimant was simply contracted by the landowner to provide car-park management services and is not capable of entering into a contract with the Defendant on its own account, as the car park is owned by and the terms of entry set by the landowner. Accordingly, it is denied that the Claimant has authority to bring this claim. 4. In any case it is denied that the Defendant broke the terms of a contract with the Claimant. 5. The Claimant is attempting double recovery by adding an additional sum not included in the original offer. 6. The Particulars of Claim is denied in its entirety. It is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief at all.
  13. Dx I have been looking up the pcn posts, hence why my defence is the one above which now seems to elaborate even though it is literally the one posted as a recommendation to look at on this thread. these things are what are very confusing to me.
  14. i am not sure. I've read up about lots of the pcns on here but i still dont actually know what i am doing with the how-to's etc. I know the defence and what it needs to contain but there are steps of which I do not understand to ensure i do this correctly. Above is my defence as it is currently that i need to submit by the 13th. I was waiting for them to send me a letter back regarding CPR 31:14 but I am yet to receive anything so I put that in the bottom of my defence. I did not want to send it off for them to send a letter the next day or something
  15. Also could someone please advise on how I "defend the claim"? I have the defence template but no idea how to actually "defend" this. Thank you
  16. Is the template enough or do I need to elaborate on it? Those are the types of things I want to be clear on before I just pretty much copy and paste my way through this court claim and wonder if I’m doing it absolutely correctly. any help on this particular claim would be great because they are all different in one way or another.
  17. Hello, I haven’t received a letter back yet or anything and I am conscious that I need to file a defence in the meantime. Can anyone give me a step by step of what I actually need to do please as it would be much appreciated to have a step by step guide as I didn’t quite understand what I’m supposed to do now. Thank you
  18. ill try and upload tomorrow when i can access my laptop. I havent yet received a letter so im confused as to how or why they have sent my mother in law an email when she has followed the same steps as me and hasn't provided them with an email.
  19. Update… both myself and my mother in law sent out letters off for CPR 31:14. I sent them both on Tuesday and haven’t heard back yet but my mother in law has had an email? She didn’t provide them with an email address but they’ve sent her something via email which I will post. I can’t add images only documents
  20. Sorry my mistake. I have filled out the template. Would I need to send it recorded delivery or will a normal 1st class post suffice? thanks.
  21. Thank you for your help... I have done everything on the MCOL form and started my AOS. I have now exited the MCOL and about to start the CPR 31:14. How do I send this off to them? Via post or email? I have copied the template and im about to fill it out but not sure where to send the information? Do I email Gladstones Solicitors? Do I print it off and send via post to them? Thanks
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