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Everything posted by IP90

  1. Thanks for the reply. Do they really have that little power to do anything?
  2. Ok thanks. I begrudge paying it anyway and it seems to me they’re a bit desperate to offer more than half off the balance. I forgot to mention also, at the bottom of the email it says if I can’t pay the balance in full, they will knock £2 off themselves for every £10 that I pay. seems like they’re really trying to entice me into giving them money then dressing it up as them “helping me”
  3. Hi, sorry for posting this as I know there’s a lot of other threads on X4L/CRS but I think, having read a few of the threads, that my situation is slightly different. So today I received an email about an X4L membership that I had completely forgotten about it was so long ago (around January 2014 I think). The amount due is apparently £262.47 but in the email they have offered me a “deal” of 60 per cent off the balance if I contact them by the 23rd August. My my memory is pretty hazy as it was a while ago but I’m pretty sure I never cancelled anything. I lost my job around February/March 2014 and was in a bit of a mess at the time, so I didn’t have any money to pay but I think the direct debit still went out of my bank and left me in arrears which led to quite a large debt building up with my bank. Im guessing at some point they either stopped taking the direct debit or I must’ve cancelled somewhere along the line, and I’ve thought nothing else of it until I received this email today as a “final attempt to resolve this matter” whatever that means. Where do I stand? Should I take this offer just to get it over and done with? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sorry for the vague details my memory isn’t the best!
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