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Everything posted by Scotland1985

  1. Hi Looking for advice. Any given would be most appreciated Basically i started working in a call centre two years ago, July 17, and i was told that it would be on a self employed basis. I have never been self employed before and wasnt sure what to do nor was i given any advice by the company providing the work. It is outbound cold calling @ 6 pound an hour (below minimum wage) with bonuses based on sales. Prior to starting this role i was on universal credit for a while and i stayed on it when i started the role, initiallly with the intention of seeing how things panned out. I didnt come off universal credit until just before xmas last year. I have never been registered as self employed Basically I am not sure what to do, i want to start doing things correctly. Should i simply register as self employed from now. I am not sure what the procedures are. I dont even think i should be self employed from what ive been reading online? i am totally confused. tried calling the helpline but they confused me even more if im honest
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