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Everything posted by peaches2019

  1. @BankFodder thanks for your comments. In answer to your queries. - We paid a deposit but they are seeking further compensation to cover 25% of the overall value. - There has been no manufacture of goods as the survey has not happened. Given that Anglian can make changes or we could at that point which would affect price and possibly other terms the contract would need to be varied and agreed to by both parties. Not sure what losses other than commuting costs for sales man would back up the 25% charge. - 25% seems like a high penalty fee for existing the contract when we acted on the communicated terms. - We signed contract on individual consumer basis not as a company. - We have collected evidence of other customers who have experienced similar situations and even comments from employees on platforms. - Document at signing was finance illustration and T&Cs.
  2. Hi Group - there is a thread on this form for a similar situation with Anglian Home Improvements. If anyone has any advice, recommendations or pointers we would appreciate them. On 3rd September, the sales guy appeared at our house without any prior confirmed appointment. We informed him that we would need to verify with our accountant if a conservatory for home office use could be a company expense. In this context, Mr Chatterton gave us the assurance that we would be able to cancel the contract at any time prior to a survey. We signed a contract and paid a £999 depsoit for a conservatory on 3rd September 2018 where we were explicitly told by the sales representative we could cancel at any point prior to a survey/drawings being conducted who confirmed this verbally several times to us. Drawings were never completed. In accordance with the confirmed and communicated cancellation rights I called the sales agent on 24th September to inform him we wished to cancel. I had a very unpleasant phone call in which he raised his voice and took an unsavoury tone with me. It is not the experience I would expect from a company like Anglian. I called the customer service line immediately after the call and relayed the shocking experience I had been through with the sales representative. This conversation will have been recorded so can be reviewed to support my reaction to the unpleasant call. Based on customer service advice I emailed to cancel the contract. Despite chasing my original cancellation email dated 24th September 2018 for several months we did not hear anything from Anglian until December 2018 and have since been sent letters threatening court action and asking us to pay 25% of the overall value of the contract. A penalty of £6,875 for no work being completed at all is a vast sum. No suggestion of conciliation services has been presented to us which seems a natural and sensible step for all parties before any court action is threatened or pursued. Despite replying to letters, phone calls and emails reiterating our position we are being made victim in a situation where we were completely misled by the sales agent. The sales agent is saying he never told us this. If we had known and understood the cancellation terms were 7 days we would have acted accordingly. We have since seen on various forums that this misinformation is something other customers have experienced. We have also been chased for replies from Anglian in very short time scales yet we have experienced weeks to months on responses to our communications. This feels unreasonable. Given that we have acted within the cancellation rights as communicated to us by the sales man at the point of signing the contract this as understandably been very stressful and unpleasant. They do not seem to be backing down. We have now been told me have 7 days to pay up or they will be 'issuing proceedings without further notice' to us. This has gone on almost a year and the anxiety and financial worry is horrible.
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