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Everything posted by Neutral1

  1. Who would of arranged the Payment Insurance Premium on my Credit Cards? When you say the group wasn’t regulated then do you mean the TSB?
  2. I spoke to the FOS yesterday and they said as I didn’t submit the claim too them within six months from July last year, it’s to late to do anything about it now. Lloyds said that I didn’t have PPI and at the time I had no statements showing I did, so I trusted their decision and had no reason to complain to the FOS.
  3. Hello and thank you for welcoming to the group. The two TSB Credit Cards we’re issued to me in 1994, the statements are from 1998. I didn’t know how to add to my posts if it is possible, apologies if I’ve done it incorrectly. As you may of seen the other posts have more information. Thank you Andrew.
  4. Hi, I got a VisaCard and a MasterCard from the TSB in about 1994. I submitted a PPI claim as on both statements it has got Payments Insurance Premium. At the time where I worked I would get six months full pay and six months half pay if I was off sick, so I thought I didn’t need the PPI. I sent them copies of the statements as requested. Lloyd’s Bank who are dealing with the claim said that Payments Insurance Premium is not PPI. They said it’s for something else but couldn’t say what. They said I will receive a letter stating there was no PPI on the cards and that the case has been closed. Lloyd’s sent me a final letter saying the two TSB credit cards didn’t have PPI. They said when I claimed on a Lloyds Credit Card July last year they checked the two TSB credit cards then and found there was no PPI on them. In the final letter they included a copy of the letter from last year showing all three credit cards.As I didn’t have the statements for the TSB credit cards in July last year, I accepted Lloyd’s decision that there was no PPI on the TSB credit cards. Trusting Lloyd’s I had no reason to dispute their decision so didn’t submit the complaint to the FOS. I spoke to someone at the FOS yesterday and even though I have now got statements for the TSB credit cards with possible PPI on them (Payment Insurance Premium), they said I can’t do anything about it now as I didn’t send the complaint to FOS within six months. if the Payment Insurance Premium on the statements is PPI, that would of been the same last year when Lloyd’s checked the cards but because I trusted their decision? I could lose out on any potential claim. Does anyone know what “Payment Insurance Premium” would be for on a TSB Credit Card from 1994 to 1998? It maybe be a complete coincidence but on both TSB Credit cards, the “Payment Insurance Premium” on both statements was deducted on the same date the interest was deducted from the balance. Also on both credit cards which have different credit limits, the “Payment Insurance Premium” works out to be 0.71% of the balance.If the “Payment Insurance Premium” was from a retailer, should it have a reference number like other transactions, there’s not on the two statements, it’s just blank? Can you advise? Thanks in advance Andrew.
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