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  1. It was for the interview but i think i would have got through that. I don't know. My options are not turning up or going and seeing their reaction
  2. Yes but they haven't answered my email so they might not have got it. Do u think i could email again and say i still want to be considered. I really need a job and McDonalds are the only company that have offered me a job at the moment
  3. i would not want to hire the person and would think it was very rude but what should i do?
  4. yes i did which i am not happy about. But what should i do because i haven't had any message back
  5. Hello, right i want to start again. I realise i am banned from here but i just need some advice I have done something very stupid. I applied for a job at McDonalds but sent them this Hello, I know I have a interview tomorrow but i am not going to turn up now. I don't want the job and I feel like I am better then everyone who would be working there because i actually want to do something with my life and not work at McDonalds Should I turn up now and will i get the job. Im not going to get angry or swear don't worry just need advice about what to do before i go to uni
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