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Everything posted by gingerninja101

  1. I regret it so much and I definitely will never do it again or go to that shop for a while but I have stolen from the same shop in a different location so do you think they would contact other branches and see I’ve stolen from both
  2. Got caught shoplifting at boots a few days ago with a friend, police weren’t called and we were both banned from the store. I have shoplifted at that store a few times before and in that town centre, I told the security guard it was my first time. I have no clue why I have been shoplifting so much, I was in a bad mental place and I regret it so much. If the security guard looks at the footage as he writes his report (he rang my dad to check the address on the report) could I get in trouble for previous shoplifting? Also how long should I wait before going back to a place I shoplifted from to shop (I’ll never steal again), I read online if it’s not reported in six months then it can’t be reported so should I wait six months?
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