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Everything posted by helpstress

  1. Hi, I am looking for some urgent assistance. I have a payment that is past due with Amigo. I agreed they take one payment last week and one next to resolve it. They took my payment last week, it shows as accepted on my card and was taken from my balance 5 days ago. The Card told me it was accepted by them. Amigo are telling me since 5 days ago the card declined. I showed them proof, they deny it saying it must be ringfenced. It literally says 'accepted' on the statement. They are now sending me things like this 'As there is no resolution in place, soon I will pass your account to our Pre-Litigation team' threatening CCJs. I have had it with this . THERE IS A RESOLUTION IN PLACE . I do not have enough to pay them the same payment twice how can I deal with this, it is stressing me to the point of sickness, I wake up worried, I can't sleep, they are harassing my retired Dad and I can't deal with it. I did the right thing making an agreement and sticking to it and this is how they are treating me.
  2. It was yes, my debts go back years and years and I was behind on pretty much all of them to be honest. When applying they had a form which listed all the debts but allocated them these strange precalculated nominal amounts. They were more bothered with my guarantor than me at the time.
  3. Hi All, Around 2 or so years ago, I took out an Amigo loan, something I have regretted every month since to be honest. It is the pits. Their harassing texts and emails if you are a day late are shocking. I am in a situation right now, where I have moved overseas with my spouse. I am not allowed to work due to my visa, and have been unemployed for some time. I earn no money, but have kept up my 300ish a month payments for over a year using my spouses income. I just cannot afford it anymore, the stress it is putting on us is just too much, and becoming a real issue. My guarantor, has since retired and put his massive debts all on payment plans as he survives on pension alone and pays rent etc. None of us ever owned a house. I have been late on my payments every month for a long time, but always make it eventually. None of us can afford it. I was hoping to contact them, and offer a reduced amount hoping they will freeze the interest, and accept an offer. Even if they freeze the interest and I keep up the current payments at least it would feel like it has a point to it. However, I have read the stories online and everybody seems to suggest they do not help and just straight up CCJ you and your guarantor, something I do not want, despite all my guarantor's debts being on a token payment a month. I have paid more than the loan is worth in the last 2 years and still owe more than the principal. It makes me sick. I know it is my fault but it is causing such stress I just don't know what to do. Any advice?
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