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  1. I purchased a Lexus 450h in March 2019, on the basis of the showroom advertised fuel consumption - 50mpg I discussed with the salesman the reason for my interest and purchase, which was the fuel consumption as I travel around 24,000 miles per annum. (To and from my place of business) The car is only achieving 30.1 mpg (as of 1st May 2019) and has currently covered 3300 miles. The car does not meet the advertised fuel description by a massive margin (over 39%) I could accept a small difference due to driving conditions etc but 30 mpg is a massive difference. I feel that I have been blatantly mislead and mis-sold. I have wrote to Lexus and been told the advertised mpg in in line with Government guidelines - How can this be right? I have never had an electric or Hybrid car before and assumed that they were fuel efficient. I had no reason to disbelieve the advertised fuel consumption in the showroom. I was told a lie by the salesman and misled by the advertisement - How can this be allowed?
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