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Everything posted by Stuzpid

  1. Thanks so much I will never ever do this again, I still haven’t had a call from the police I really don’t know what I was thinking. 1st and last time it’s not worth the guilt my anxiety is so bad now I keep thinking they are going to call round to the house.
  2. Thanks for your reassurance, I’m just so worried that the police will come round the security guard didn’t take my details just the car reg I don’t want my husband to get into trouble for something he didn’t do and he’s still fuming with me. Why the hell did I do it
  3. I hope so I’m just so worried I feel like crying asking him to take me back to ASDA buying the things and apologising, I wouldn’t mind some of the items were sale stuff I should have left them at customer services and gone and got my bank card. The security guard did say your not coming back in here ever again but I don’t understand why he took the registration of my husbands car I’m so worried
  4. Tonight I went to get the kids some bits from ASDA, I’d finished work my husband picked me up and I realised I’d left my card at home I walked out with the clothes and the security guard caught me I ran to the car my husband and kids were there I gave the security guard the items he took down my husbands registration number I’m so worried my husband isn’t speaking to me because he can’t understand why I did this, I don’t know why I did this. Should i I expect the police I’m so worried I feel so guilty and will never do it again I work in retail and hate shoplifting and tonight I’ve done this. If anyone has any advice please help
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