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Everything posted by steffipuss

  1. Thanks Andy I don't know if they are allowed to do this in the case of publishing the findings of a judicial review. Is this allowed to be published. I am concerned they have published the judicial review in full on their website with my full name. I am concerned they didn't even change my name or use initals or something which they seem to do with other cases they have published. I am grateful for your reply as I have no knowledge of these of these things and it has caused me stress due to mental health problems and being identified.
  2. I had a Judicial Review a few years ago. I just noticed now the solicitors who did the work have published this on their website under 'cases of interest' to publicise work of particular solicitor. I has my full name on and full content of judicial review which was about access to mental treatment and community care and my medical conditions so is sensitive. Frankly I feel embarrassed and ashamed. It has turned out it has identified me to some people I didn't want to know. Are they allowed to do this? They had mentioned other cases but they had not identified them or used initials. It seems these cases may have been juveniles or court had ordered they not be notified. I am horrified they have my full name and details on there and that I have been identified. I cannot contact solicitors in question as things ended acrimoniously with the way the handled my case and I had to go to legal ombudsman.
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