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  1. Many thanks both for your replies. I will ignore them and post again if solicitors send anything.
  2. HI Slick, many thanks for your reply. So should I not reply to ARC at all or say anything to David Lloyds? If they send a letter from their solicitor should I ignore this too?
  3. Hi, please could you advise, My husband and I had been members of 2 different David Lloyds in Kent - both times we paid annually. When it ran out last year around October, we decided to take up a membership in a Notttingham branch as due to work we spend more time in Notts than in Kent. However, at the time, we were told by Nottingham to verbally let the kent one know that we were moving, which I did and asked Nottingham to continue the membership process. Only to be told later that day by Nottingham that they had declined us to start a new membership with them as we were inbetween sites. Hence, we decided to not renew our membership with David LLoyd altogether and left it at that. Incidentally, during the time, we moved homes. My husband started to receive calls numerous calls via ARC in the past few weeks, which he has ignored. I am pretty sure they are sending fake messages now for him to reply to. Furthermore, his parents received a letter addressed to him stating that as we hadn't given a 3 month notice in writing that we wanted to cancel (even though we paid for an annual membership), they will be passing our details on to the solicitor and potentially take us to court. Could you please offer some advice where to go from here. We havent used the gym since the membership ran out and the Kent branch were informed at the time that we were not renewing (although this was verbal and not written and they didnt tell us to write to them). Any advice would be much appreciated.
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