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Everything posted by Mizzycrazy

  1. hi sorry about that i never no were to post Iv not had a phone mine went off ,so not ad chance borrow one im just trying get my passwords reset.
  2. Im so annoyed at talktalk i owe £20 payment ,But agen they tryed talking bfor due date & charge £7.50each time 3days bfor due they attempted ,no payment due date i put in but they tryed £26 id put 20 (iv bin told payments cant be taken bfor due date ?id already asked if they wouldt do agen),my bband was suspended Yet only ad 19 days left ,i tryed calling but left it like that i noticed emails going up to 168 i owed them Not a chance ,I got a call from debt agancy i explained 5mins he told me they shut the line May an extra 6mths nrly , he sed he'd sort it .I herd nowt then out the blue a call from an angry lady as i didt no if a prank so i wudt give details out i felt bit uneasy as im on my own ,few days later same lady id defo say she tryed intimadating me ,Saying Ttalk ad sold the debt on im very disgusted as its not my debt (i was told write ask for all recorded calls id made iv herd nowt back) i was given a date for payment they tryed & did take bfor it charging me £19.99+ 22.50=£40+ for 1 mth ,I wozt told of a 7.50charge extra they kept breaking the days,the calls will prove everything ,Now im so mad selling it on i get but it did get to me as they cud of bin at my door not a call iv kept all my documents would it be worth reporting as im none the wiser if il get another call or wot ?? Thank you
  3. Yes im sorry i was rushing a little aswell wrighting and spelling arnt my strong point , its only my second time
  4. Im so livid joined talktalk £19.99 per mth extra for reminder text mail cost extra & 100% sure that late fee wozt told to me £7.50 id not of joined as on fixed income, i woz given P.D 3rd everymonth they woz taking bfor that date then charging me if not in bank last Nov they tryed taking on 1st id not put it in then wen they tryed agen £27 id put 20 in so nov not paid Dec 19th my last month id no internet they restricted it im getting very annoyed as £168 theyr asking & av ad Debt Collectors bugging me i explained the agent woz shocked then telling me May is wen they cut it 5mths over i beleve they owe me they kept trying take bfor due date then told me the date woz different ,All calls recorded i shud b able get copys is that correct PLS WATCH FOR THE DUE DATE & WEN THEY TRY AS I DONT BELEVE I WOZ TOLD A LATE CHARGE Anybody got any advice as i beleve 4 times bfor my due date over 50 in 1mth id paid thinking it woz 2mths
  5. Can anybody help im at a gp surgery were iv not sin a residant gp theres ment be 1 but rest are Locum gp's i dont want to complain if can sort another way but i dont no who i contact i did google search but i didt see any advice i want to go above the surgerys manager im not sure if its nhs id need to contact im in greater manchester area thank you
  6. can anybody give me advice im not working im disabled on fixed income im in need of help finding treatment best deals would i qualify for a payment plan or installments The thing is iv a BIG FEAR of all dentists im 46 and have not seen one thats done what is best for me or been thoughtful (i was badly treated while under 16yrs old removing roots which as scared me) not able to work isnt my fault but treated like 2nd class ,im looking but clueless how to get started?
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