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Everything posted by Catty54

  1. We received all the paperwork prior to repossession after sending a DSAR. We know the house has been sold and for the amount it sold for but only through our own investigations. Just wanted to know if the bank should be informing us officially. Do they have an obligation to let us know if there is a shortfall and not just keep us in the dark for 12 years.
  2. We sadly had our home repossessed nearly 2 years ago after a long fight. We had built up a good case but as it had been an All Monies Charge loan repossession was immediately awarded in court. My question is this. I know that our house has now been sold as we still live nearby. However, we have heard nothing at all from the bank confirming the sale or informing us of any shortfall, or indeed if there are any funds left over. I am concerned that if there is a shortfall the bank will be continuing to add interest and we will have no idea what the amount is. We have sought advice from our Local Authority and CAB and more or less been advised that if we raise the issue with the Bank they will probably say that they didn't have any contact details for us. We did notify the Bank's solicitors once we had settled into our new accommodation (sadly we did not send recorded - my mistake) and I know they have email and phone contact details. Can anyone advise what the Bank are legally obligated to do. Surely we are entitled to know exactly what they say the end figures are and what they say their costs were. Should we contact the Bank or are we opening a can of worms. I wouldn't think there were any funds left over (if there are it would be minimal) but we need to know where we stand. Also can anyone advise what the time scale is for the Bank to pursue any shortfall. I believe it is 12 years but read somewhere that this time starts from the first time the account went into arrears - not sure if that's true.
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