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Everything posted by peakson

  1. Thanks guys this is all sorted now, it went smoothly, had a assessment over the phone, within a week they awarded me the same rate so I guess I panicked over nothing Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all P.s sorry it's late!
  2. Hi, yes I get Limited capability for work and work-related activity You said your health affects you at work or prevents you from working, what I think is the higher part of that component.
  3. Thanks, everyone! I think the benefit cap applies to individuals who are employed. For instance, if my partner starts working, it shouldn't affect our uc claim because there's no cap imposed on it due to our daughters DLA, Right? Apologies for being a bit slow at grasping this concept.
  4. Just a update on this one I have had my assessment now and received a text today saying that they have made their decision and I should hear back from them in the next two weeks, really nervous about this and feel they are going to reject my claim, it all seems to have happened so fast! @unclebulgaria67 you seem the best person to ask as you seem very knowledgeable with uc, I've recently seen on my tiktok that people have been receiving uc with no benefit cap. So we have a joint universal claim with two child. previously to this my partner was working living alone and I received esa, sdp and pip living alone. I continued to claim esa and lost sdp when we moved in together, my partner stopped working due to covid and claimed uc so this had to be a joint claim for me and her but again I continue to claim esa, however we have a large deduction 1. For my fortnightly esa 2. My partners carers allowance We also have two children on our joint uc claim, one of which is in receipt of DLA middle rate daily living component and also the disabled child component on uc. I receive the higher support group component on uc also. Should we be deducted for the esa and carers allowance? I'm not up on how this systems works because I've learned that if we have a child with dla then we should not have any benefit cap? Really sorry if I have asked this question before my memory is not the best.
  5. @unclebulgaria67 I told the assessment what medication I was on, I am on anti psychotic medication called aripirazole that cause alot of side effects I also notified them of a lung condition what effects my day to day life I have had it for 3 years and just seems to progress so I have notified them because it effects my mobility
  6. @unclebulgaria67 I have made a change to my original assessment and they don't have any medical evidence for that change. They didn't even have up to date medication list for me
  7. @unclebulgaria67 Thank you, I didn't manage to get any help and had my assessment, I had my mother with me to help with the assessment, they don't have my correct medication or any new diagnosis, would I be best to send in now or wait for a mandatory reconsideration
  8. I have been told to contact my local mp office, would this help? Could anyone help me understand the process of this properly, so I am awarded pip until September next year, I have my assessment in a couple of days, I don't think they will ....but if I get 0 points say in my assessment what is the process of that .... will my money stop instantly, will it continue until a mandatory reconsideration has gone through? I just can't process the way this works I Don't get it? until I can get medical evidence sorted, I don't have the energy to go to tribunal it's already mentally overwhelming for me Can anyone explain the process of this. Thank you
  9. I did go to my local cab but they wasn't very helpful in helping me, I have had help looking for a advocate but I can't afford to have one, I see a mental health worker every two weeks for personality disorder I'm unsure if they will help
  10. Well the time has now come. I have a assessment in a couple of days, I've tried to get a advocate to help with the assessment but no luck, I have a bundle of paperwork I just can't mentally take on the challenge of sorting out all my medical evidence it was sent from my gp by email and there is over 500 pages, I haven't got a clue how to do the assessment I normally have a support worker but I have moved into a different area that doesn't offer this support, it's a dreaded night mare
  11. Hi. It wasn't awarded for 7 years, I usually get a renewal every two years. Usually its quite smooth the previous times i just put no change to all questions, ive had an assessment 2 times, 2020 didnt happen because the virus, think this time around I'm nervous because of a change, I don't want to end up back in a tribunal.
  12. Hi. I've been awarded enhanced rate and lower rate mobility for 7 years now. 7 years ago I had to go to tribunal in court. I had a renewal application in June or July, CAB made a change on my mobility. I have been invited to a assessment I don't have a date yet, I have little medical evidence at the moment due to diagnosis so I'm relying on the assessment really. If after the assessment they decide to only give me my normal allowance. If I put in for a mandatory reconsider am I at risk of loosing or money stopping?
  13. Thank you guys, so sounds like I've done everything possible, so now it's down to the dwp to make contact I guess, trouble is if she was still alive she would of probably got so much hassle from dwp.
  14. Hi, Thank you, I did do the tell us once, but it did not give me the option to tell them she had been in hospital for 6 months prior to moving to a care home, so now I'm guessing they don't know about her being in hospital, I did register her death today and followed the instructions from the register with the Tell Us Once option Thanks again
  15. Hi all, Currently dealing with the death of my step mother, she went into hospital in January and sadly past away last week, as there was no power of attorney I couldn't update dwp, she was receiving alot of benefits and has a large sum of money in her account, could I get help with a base letter I can send in to dwp departments explaining she went into hospital in January and I need to no how much back pay and also payments to stop, her account has been frozen so this could stop payments. The departments are, dla, pension, sdp? Housing benefits etc, she went into hospital on the 25th January and then into a care home on 19th of June and past away on 19th august, I think only 28days is allowed?
  16. Hi all Just wanted to find out, lived with partner for a couple of years, incident happened at home so I called the police and she wasn't allowed back home while on bail and was in temporary accommodation, children are in my care and I have a single universal account with my two children added to uc. children are now subject to C.P plan because of ex actions, she has a single uc account with temporary accommodation as her address. Now S.S are involved and there is a C.P plan in place I am happy for her to return home, but it is agreed our relationship will not continue, we will sleep in separate rooms etc. She is back home now, and we are unsure what we do with our U.C claims, do I add her to mine as a joint account again or dose she keep her single account and just amend the address back to normal? Thank you all
  17. @unclebulgaria67 who would be the best advice CAB? I claimed ESA before my daughter was born and started to claim DLA,, So I don't know if that was correct, I don't no how mine has been calculated I receive £289 every two weeks, before this i claimed single and had SDP And recieved £375, I am in the support group not the work group one
  18. I'm already going through a review at the moment, I have psyical and mental difficulties, I couldnt say I'm capable full time on my own my partner did alot, at the moment my mum is with me and the children everyday, she cannot get carers allowance because she's on new style pension
  19. Hi, it says on there it could effect my pip
  20. Hi Can I apply for careers allowance for my daughter who claims middle rate dla, I claim esa and pip, I am worried this will effect my claim if I claim as a carer. Thank you.
  21. So I think I've found out what to do, I could be wrong that's why I need you guys! So cancel my partners carers allowance for myself. Then open a carers allowance claim for my daughter(middle rate dla) and I will be named carer? I think SDP should be out of question as this will probably be temporary. Question is, am I able to be my daughters carer? I claim esa (old style) and pip. I know it would be less money, but it's something and probably less complicated to claim? Just to clarify we claim Esa and pip (myself) Child benefit(would this need to change to my name?) Uc Child element Housing Disabled child Disabled adult DLA(CHILD) middle rate.
  22. Back on here again guys, sorry to trouble you, its problem after problem here So now I'm living on my own with disabilitys and 2 children 1 with a heart condition as discussed. We was unable to find advice, and could not get on here in time, cab wouldn't awnser the phone. Anyway, my partner is still around but has had to find temporary accommodation via our local council, reason for this is she's dome something silly at home and on her bail conditions until august she's not allowed to return home, the council told us we could not keep our joint claim as she would need to claim housing benefits to support her temporary accommodation. So now she has a single universal credit account and I have my own uc account with two children, I've added our disability, rent etc so I think I have set it up properly. They said I will still receive money on the 7th so hopefully that will go through OK, My partner gets carers allowance, will this need to stop if she's away temporary? I.E three months plus. Secondly if that is the case. It must stop! Would I be able to get SDP back? I wasn't sure as the children will live with me.. Also to update my daughter has her heart surgery on the 8th of June Thank you
  23. @Emmzzi So do you think after looking at the contract and payslip everything is correct? Thank you
  24. Hi please find attached, I have done my best to take out name of work and names to hide identity, please if you come across anything that should not be visible to public please let me know so I can fix that, alot of time off was antenatal from complications of pregnancy. Thank you guys sorry it took so long replying, it took a while to get the contract and I havnt been well. Sorry for double comments, I believe the pay rota is two weeks prior to the payslip so the dates of actual pay would be from week 20th March to week 14th possibly 17th April. Question: Do you know why there are separate deductions for both "Unpaid sick absence" AND "Unpaid absence"? We are both finding it hard to understand this part also employment contract.pdf
  25. Hi all, Contacting on behalf of my sister. We are finding it hard to understand her wages this month (please see attached) She is contracted to 40 hours a week with a set salary, how ever in recent months they have been deducting money from her contracted salary for illness days as she is pregnant and needed more time off than usual, I havnt worked personally for a couple of years and was always on a hourly pay, but I think the whole of a salary is to ensure you have the same pay each month regardless to illness? Again please see attached. Thank you DOC-20230428-WA0003.pdf
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