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Everything posted by duchess777

  1. Hi Yes , I have been searching for answers over the years and coming to a dead end . To answer your question six months after I had the loan they took me to court for arrears as I explained to the brokers at the time that I was not working and they told me that I would get money from the loan to cover payment for a while which I never received . so I was stuck and got the suspended order . I did appoint the mortgage company and you are right I did get scammed . I did not take Swift to court , they took me again this time they supplied the paper work and I saw the cheque they said they gave me , hence I refuted this and the court requested they send me a copy of the cashed cheque which they did not to date . The date was 2017 . Then I became very ill and had other matters to deal with . I then got some money and paid the arrears to them . In respect of the interest the balance to date they stated was 68,000. I can only ask the question if the money they stated they gave to me does not add up how can you put interest on monies not given to a customer . In respect of uploading the paperwork I am slightly worried as you can understand I really do not know whom I am really talking to , hence the caution. Sorry if I took up your time I was just checking but I am grateful for your response to date .
  2. Hi sorry about the lack of spaces . I am not in court now , this was sometime ago . They took me to court initially about six months after I got the loan. I did tell them at the time I was not working . They may threaten to take me to court as I am in arrears .
  3. Hello Yes this is the only loan and the court has asked them to give me proof of the cheque which they have not , I am paying for money I never had from them . I was told that even though they were not regulated by the FCS they have another body Swift 1st that is part of their company and regulates swift advances . I was reading a case where the judge looked at the benefit the client had from money that they borrowed to include in their judgment , and the PPI that was not fit for purposes it was sold for . just trying to see all the legal arguments .and how can they justify over 150000 pounds for such a small loan.
  4. current in arrears , paid them over +£40k they want another £60k, maybe more for a loan of £32k, they said that they gave me a cheque for nearly £5k from the loan I told them when they let me have the paper work eventually I never received their cheque , showed them bank statements from that year , they said I could have cashed it in a money shop , also they paid the loan I had all the money it was a five year loan taken out less than a year . refused to take off PPI as well this would bring the loan to under 25.000 I have worked out the loan minus the cheque and the PPI is 24,220.61 without the challenge of the full repayment of the loan as it was only taken a year or over . I have written to the company however they are not responding to me about why they charged the full payment for the loan .
  5. Thank you Uncle . I did and they sent me some paper work, when I asked a solicitor to do the same, I saw things they never even sent me, like wages, which I was not earning the broker who sold me the loan made this up and never told me , there are other discretions too
  6. Sorry If I misread, stressful times and just trying to get out of the mess I should have never got into . had very bad depression at the time of taking the loan, never even needed the stupid loan and was not even working when they gave it to me, just angry with myself I guess . Apologies again
  7. Why are you being mean when I am being serious -not funny !!!!!
  8. I am looking to see if there are any similarities reading my case and any good outcomes against them
  9. Hi I did a search and not much recent came up 2022
  10. Hi thank you for responding there were several people talking about swift issues now I cannot find anything about them wanted to see if there were recent court cases against swift
  11. Hello where has all the recent swift issues gone to cannot find them . please help
  12. got so booted and almost finished my reply . Thanks for the response . 1. I am not sure if the other loan was secured on my property , I have to check . 2 I know i them I told them about the car loan and that they said this will have to be paid off , at the time it made sense. 3 I never received a penny , I received a phone call from the brokers to say that the car loan and mortgage was paid and there was no residual money , I remember this as my daughter wanted to go on a school trip and I could not afford to let her go . 4 I have tried and tried to get swift to tell me about the £4Kcheque they said they know it was cashed as the bank told them so , they have no idea where it was cashed as they do not have the record , year after year I have asked them, always the same response . 5 they did on two occasions and never produced my written statement to the courts, on the last occasion the court asked them to tell me about the £4k cheque, they said I have to report this to the police as fraud . is it me or do the sums not add up for their loan . Also they said they took the ppi off but little difference in the repayment . I did get legal advice and the person said something is not right . BTW . can I say , I never found them they called me . just remembered, they called me after I was taken to court for repossession by a company I know linked to them , I researched the company . I was attacked by someone part of the job I do , suffered post traumatic stress , attack was pretty bad . after the case they contacted me , I was not working then. had pretty bad mental health breakdown at the time .
  13. Hi It says unregulated at the top . Regards Duchess
  14. Thanks for earlier all acknowledged figures brokers fee 427.50 Mortgage 2,203.26 car loan 21.977.35 loan admin fee 35.00 PPI 4105.15 tele transfer fee 40.00 indemnity fee 135.00 Cheque (never received ) 4144.39 Amount of credit 28365.00 total 32470.15
  15. Hello The agreement was arranged by a broker , I was not working at the time , they told me I could use a pay slip I previously had . they visited me and to be honest I signed the form which I remember was not completed filled out , they said they would not return but will phone me when the loan was completed . I will send you the loan agreement and having a close look you will see the breakdown without the PPI and the missing cheque the loan was under £25k. The PPI was £4105.15. Swift paid all the companies I did not receive any money from them at all. I have attached two files for you . Regards Duchess
  16. Hi No the thirty days are not up yet I requested this last week and they sent the paperwork what is manual l l intervention , they stated if I required anything else to contact them I assumed this was all the paperwork they have. regards
  17. Hi I received my SAR from Swift , there is little information , I cannot believe after all these years that there is so little paperwork , also no mention of the cheque I have consistently asked about , after all these years I should have a lot more paperwork rather that fifteen pages mostly about my account and paperwork I signed . can you assist .?
  18. Hello first apologies , did not know I could not name the company . I will apply for a SAR as they have told me that they will need a hundred and sixty two thousand and I have already paid £50k in seven years to finish of my loan . for a loan of £25k without no proof of giving me a cheque and PPI gone, they want how muchhhhhhhh surely this cannot be right .
  19. Hi I found a great company waiting to get some funds but they deal with swift advances , they dealt with a friend mortgage and got great results they are called (removed - dx) do try them .
  20. Hi is there no recent post or other members website Regards Duchess
  21. where has this site gone been trying to find post on swift advances and cannot find anything can anyone help please ?
  22. write and refer it to the ombudsman, but before write to the company and make a formal complaint
  23. Good Morning . they were trying to get a refund on my mortgage , they did not want a fee.
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