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  1. I have so far received no information or questionaire from the courts since Barclays filed a defence on 11/10/06. What should I do from here, and who should I contact? Please help!!!!
  2. Hope I can get a little advice here I'm sure you will all jump in as you're all really good at supporting each other. I have followed all the correct proceedures as it states to do so far on this site. I have filed my claim, it was acknowledged, now they have filed a defence. (seems to be happening more often). I'm just looking for a little advice here on how this should go next. From their side as well as mine. Any help out there guys? Cheers everyone
  3. Thanks ever so much. There is a letter there written by another claimant so I'll edit and use that. Thanks again.
  4. In the step-by-step guide, section 5c. This is where I am at with my claim. They have offered me £460's. Now it says here to accept this offer on the understanding but only on the condition that it is a partial settlement and that you will continue with your claim to recover full funds. Is there another letter I need to send here? Or do I go straight to the money claim site to enter a new claim? There doesn't appear to be a letter in the templates section that covers this and I'd appreciate any help I can get here before proceeding. Thanks for all your advice.
  5. I started my claim about 6 weeks ago. I have got as far as sending the pre lim letter and receiving a response letter offering me half as a good will guesture on the understanding that this is the end of it. I need to know if anyone has got this far and if it's worth pursuing as Barclays are dragging their feet and making it hard work. I know people who have succeeded with HSBC and Nat West but not Barclays. Please let me know. Cheers guys
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