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Everything posted by Jackman1

  1. Received the attached - do you think they are just fishing?? its all "we may" and "we can" but not actually saying anything? surely if they had 100% proof of this debt they would just enforce? Any advise is greatly appreciated BSPINFG0311_ESLNCPMFD21_1523_001.pdf UKAR.pdf
  2. I received a call from NRAM on my work phone - they would have had that number on file - the person asked for me but I hung up - I panicked I thought that NRAM would just pass my case onto a collection agency? I know you cant see into the future but what I your gut instinct on this case? Has anyone else had this? Thanks
  3. What was the outcome of this please as I am in a similar situation as wondered how you got on
  4. I hope you don’t mind me contacting you but your issues with NRAM are similar to mine Had a morg and unsecured loan – Morg paid off in dec 2013 and due to mistakes etc from NRAM I left the loan ( this is between myself and an ex who just walked away) ANYWAY I received the same letters that you did – recently the one with the 3 options 1. Arrange a payment plan. 2. Lump sum for full and final settlement 3. Regular or irregular payments, even if the amount is nominal. Just wondered what your end result was? Do you know what sort of % they are after for the full and final settlement? I owe £16k. I am waiting for the next letter from NRAM but just wondered what to expect Thank you for your time
  5. Hi mammatttt - just wondering what the outcome was from this? I am having similar problems with NRAM and just wondered what your outcome was
  6. Received another nice letter from NRAM, stating I have three options. 1. Arrange a payment plan. 2. Lump sum for Full and final settlement (anybody got an idea of what sort of percentage they are after). 3. Regular or irregular payments, even if the amount is nominal. I have looked through the forum and seen this is common practice and if they follow the same procedure I will then receive another letter stating that they havnt heard from me and may sent to a DCA what would you advise? hold out and see what happens If you do full and final settlement what % is usually agreed? Thank you for your time
  7. I have just seen a letter dates Feb 2014 where I offer £8k full and final settlement - to which they refused - so that mean I have acknowledged the debt in the past 6 years
  8. when you say "They wrote to me months ago informing me of Resolve Calls involvement but i assumed it was fairly generic." Was it just one letter and then this house call? I am kind of in the same situation and also have a small family so don't really want them knocking on the door and causing concern to my family - was your original letters from UK Asset Resolution?
  9. It certainly seems like they are sending out lots of letters of old customers and seeing what they can get - it is very unsettling though - I will not respond and wait and see what happens next - thank you for you help/advise
  10. i stopped paying in April 2013 - when you say acknowledge the debt what do you mean? state to the yes i agree this debt is owed by myself? I did say that in 2015 i took my ex to court and he put in his Record of Examination he added that he pays NRAM £50 per mth ( i believe my ex lied on this Record of Examination form as no such monies had been paid)
  11. sorry no we both took out a Together Mortgage which was a mortgage and an unsecured loan in 2006 In 2007 he took out the fraudulent secured loan in both of our names. I was pressured to keep quiet as he was going to pay back the secured loan (never happened) in 2009 I report it and open a long drawn out case with NRAM The correspondence in 2016 was from solicitors acting on behalf of NRAM (at the time I was getting a mortgage so I did respond to them to avoid any hitches on my new mortgage) and I need to dig out the letters but i did ask them to provide all information they had on the account - they wanted an income and exp report which i never provided and i didn't agree to any payment plan - and then the letters just fizzled out Last payment was 2 April 2013 Company contacting me is UK Asset Resolution
  12. Its was with Northern Rock - correspondence now is with UK Asset Resolution. I have just seen that I did have correspondence regarding this back in 2016 with NRAM
  13. Hey- myself and now ex partner took out an unsecured loan back in 2006 for £20k on top of a mortgage we had at the sametime - all ok - fast forward 1 year he then takes out a secured loan in our names, forged my signature (this is not why I am writing but just trying to give you some background) he told me he would kill himself if I reported him - we split up only after 2 years did I then contact bank and said I didn't sign or agree to this - they wouldn't back down, police wouldn't pursue the property was sold and the proceeds were swallowed up for his secured loan I stopped paying the unsecured loan in April 2013 (when we split up we walked away and paid nothing) I rented out property and we sold this end of 2013 there is nothing on my credit file for this unsecured loan that is now £16k -I was able to obtain a mortgage in 2016 no problems I am now getting letters from a company working for the bank wanting payment of the £16k - I had some correspondence with them back in 2016 and then it stopped - my question is do I have to pay this? why hasn't this been on my credit files?? I hope I have explained properly I know it will be 6 years of non payment in April but as I had correspondence in 2016 would this be statute barred
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