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Everything posted by bettboo10

  1. Thankyou for your informative reply. I did suspect that would be the case. I guess it is a warning for the poor contractors who do work in good faith only to have the buyers relegate. Hopefully, in the future such freelance sites will protect freelances from this.
  2. I just wanted to check regarding how the UK minimum wage works online with one of the project websites where buyers offer projects and freelancers bid for them. In this instance, both are based in the 'uk I recently bid and was successful on a project where budget, timescale and objectives were agreed. I produced a good piece of work within the timescales and sent this off three weeks ago. When 'I came to invoice, the buyer rejected the project and in essence has asked for additional work that if I undertook would end up meaning that 'I would be paid 87p per hour for a month, as opposed to the 75 pound per day agreed. I was wondering where the law stands on online work in the Uk regarding the minimum wage?
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