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Everything posted by billyking

  1. Ok thanks for your advice. If I receive anything else I might ask for your opinion and advice again if that’s ok. much appreciated for everything thank you
  2. This is the letter I received. It also came by post which my neighbour had. I only got home from offshore today so it was sent by mail and then email today chasing me up Wardhadaway (1).pdf
  3. Ok thanks. I have been looking at some other threads and trying to see if anyone has been in the same situation but the threads don’t have the final outcome. fully appreciate your advice thanks. i am confused to why a Lawfirm from the UK is now sending me email/letter stating I have until the 7th February to pay the full amount or else they will take legal actions on me. Also I live in Scotland so is a PAP even allowed up here? If not then what would they have to do next?
  4. You are saying don’t ignore the email? what are you suggesting I do? thanks
  5. Many thanks for your response it’s much appreciated. just thought it was strange that it came from Uk law firm the email if a pap letter does come to me what do you suggest I do although you say that is unlikely thanks again
  6. I recently had a large loan from Kuwait bank and I am now back in Scotland. I was paying my loan regularly up until I came home where I offered to pay a reduced amount due to my circumstances. I was reviewing threatening letters from debt agencies which I have ignored as they werent helpful in any way. i have now received an email from wardhadaway law firm in the Uk saying I have until 7th Feb to pay amount owed or the bank will take legal action. Is this another way of the bank threatening me? I have had no physical letter from this law firm but they say I haven’t responded to the first letter then sent. It was only email with attachment of a letter. Can this Uk law firm take action against me? I haven’t responded at all. Any advice is appreciated thanks. They have my Uk address also but found it strange the letter was through an email and not sent directly to my house.
  7. So if they do send a PAP and they do forward all the information you have stated can i still set up a payment plan before it goes to court so my UK credit file doesnt get effected? I am presuming it is unlikely of getting a PAP letter though is it? I am willing to pay on a monthly basis a small amount if it comes to that as i told the bank this when i came back to Scotland but they never responded.
  8. Thanks, if i have any more questions i will be sure to ask. Merry Christmas and hope you are having a good one
  9. Thanks for the info I did read on another thread on CAG of a similar case where guy received DCA letters and then later down the line he then started receiving threatening letters from a UK solicitor firm. The thread stopped so i couldnt find out the outcome but the advice was still the same and to ignore the letters.
  10. Yeh they have my Scottish Address. So you think it will be harder for them to get any action against me being in Scotland then? Ok i will block there emails then
  11. Is that a Pre Action protocol letter? Is the same type of letter for scotland? Ok i will block them and do i take notice of any regular post from the DCA etc or just ignore that also? Thanks again
  12. Guys thanks for your comments and advice. Obviously i am just trying to find out what i should do and by the sounds of it i should just ignore everything they throw at me. Much appreciated and if anything else pops up i need more information on i will let you know. As for now i will just keep ignoring them
  13. Ok thanks for the info. So worst case scenario the courts can get in touch.... If they do get in touch after a long process from DCA which you say is unlikely can i suggest payment plan to court so it doesnt have to go to court and my credit file doesnt become effected? So i just ignore for now and what is it i look out for that i shouldnt ignore?
  14. Thanks for your reply :- I read that they can sell my debt to a uk debt collecting agency and then they can enforce the UK laws that we have, which i dont mind to be honest. I just dont want my credit file being effected if a UK court does get in touch. Can this happen? I have offered to repay the bank in instalments (No where near the agreed) but they have ignored me and all i receive is letters from DCA threatening to take legal action on me. I dont mind repaying small instalments and i am not trying to run away from my debt but i am not responding to the DCA and the Bank wont accept my repayment offer. As i said its my UK credit file i dont want effected if anything does ever go to court. Do you suggest i just ignore ignore ignore? Thanks again for getting back to me. I just want to know where i stand.
  15. I use to work in Kuwait where i took a large loan out. Due to family reasons i had to come back to the UK (Scotland) where i was unemployed for a while. I told the bank this and offered to pay a smaller sum than agreed but keep paying. The bank wouldnt accept this and started sending me letters/emails and debt collector agencies stating to take me to court if i didnt respond to them. Where do i stand on this? Will they sell my debt to UK? Will i have to go to court? Sorry but i dont know who to respond to when it comes to the threats and harassment. Do i just ignore and keep ignoring or what action should i take? I dont want this to effect my credit history within the UK or my house to become an asset which gets tied into this mess. Will it just be GCC countries that i wont be able to fly to or will i have flight ban on other countries? I have to travel a lot with work and dont want to get arrested at airport. Any help advice would be grateful.
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