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  1. Got a very similar problem, was paying through the courts lost my job and not receiving benefits they sent me a letter saying they will take from my pension but never did.. Got a fine with costs of £546 called Collectica to discuss payment to resolve issue....they demanded £165 upfront before they would discuss monthly payment scheme.. I only get £180 a month via private pension so offered them £50 per month which they refused I then spoke to CA who put me in touch with National Debtlinetwork who outlined a few things. So last night somebody loaned me the money to pay £200 until my pension comes through which i paid last night, I called them back today to set up a plan only to be told because I hadn't paid it over the phone to them direct and done it via bank transfer..they could set up payment plan but first payment would be next week of £103...and not at the end of next month. Is this right ? The staff are very arrogant people and in his words they are not there to help, just to make sure they get payment as quick as possible my financial situation is of no concern to him. It's either I agree his terms or face further action even though there is no way I can pay next week.
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