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Posts posted by ClemFandango

  1. Thankyou.   It appears the user in question didn't actually "cancel" their contract, it seems like it just expired and the box became a freesat box.


    Sky have agreed to send an engineer next monday to install the Hybrid LNB free of charge and the person I spoke to said it would be an idea to try rhe card in my old box to see if it works, which I will.   I'm not expecting it to, but it's worth a try.


    Under the circumstances, the LNB being replaced really is the best I can hope for.

  2. Thankyou both for your replies.  I won't multi-quote because that's just stupid :)


    @BankFodder After some thought, I think i'd like them, ideally, to replace the LNB with the Hybrid one free of charge.   I wasn't given this opportunity at the point of installation so I think it's probably the least they can do.   It's something I plan to talk to them about tomorrow.


    @unclebulgaria67 The extent of my conversation with the Sky engineer went something like this ..


    Engineer: "Do you want a new dish?"

    Me: "Yes please"


    The dish I had was nearly ten years old so I was only too happy to have it replaced with a new one.   At the time, I was quite happy to get Q because it looked like a decent bit of kit and I was interested to see what features it had, so there were no real requirements to speak of.   I'm not disabled, but I do have some long term medical issues, but they wouldn't really affect a dish installation.


    I also think, at the time, it was probably a fairly reasonable assumption to make that, basically, a dish is just a dish.   A lot of people have told me I should have asked for a Hybrid LNB when it was installed, but how could I ask a question I didn't even know i had to ask ?


    I think if i don't get any joy with Sky tomorrow then i'll raise a formal complaint with them and look at contacting the ombudsman as well.


  3. I went from Virgin Media to Sky Q earlier this year as I wasn't a great fan of Tivo and was keen to try Sky Q.


    When it was installed, I was offered the chance to replace my aging (ten year old) dish which I accepted.


    In the last few days, I've come to the conclusion that Sky Q isn't for me and that I'd ideally like to downgrade it at the end of my contract to go back to using my old Sky+ HD box, which I still have.   Much to my surprise, I subsequently found out that the LNB on my dish would not be compatible as Q uses a special "wide band" LNB and the older boxes do not.


    I contacted Sky to confirm this, which they did.   They also told me that there would be nothing they could do and that if I wanted to continue using my dish with my older box then I would have to pay to get it re-fitted myself which, after some investigation, would cost me at least £150 pounds.


    The issue of future compatibility wasn't mentioned anywhere in the literature or the official Sky Q contract, but the Sky employee I was talking to agreed that it could present a problem and said that he would pass it "up the ladder" to see if the wording could be changed to better explain it to prevent any future problems - all the while telling me there was nothing they could do for me specifically.


    I understand that I'm getting the service I paid for, which I have no issue with.   I understand that I'm only loaning the equipment and that it has to be returned at the end of the contract.   That I also have no problem with.   The contract also states that the dish becomes mine at the point of installation as well, which is also fine.


    Basically, Sky have provided the service stated in the contract.


    My problem with this is that Sky must clearly know that many people use, and still use, older boxes.   They still sell viewing cards for these older boxes, so that in itself should be enough to prove that they are aware of the compatibility issues between the two pieces of hardware.


    Should there not have been even a small advisory akin to "Customers please note: Sky Q dishes are not compatible with older hardware" ?


    By choosing to omit this information,  it not only prevented me from making an informed decision at installation, as I could have apparently asked for what's called a "Hybrid LNB" which would be compatible with older hardware, but it will also leave me significantly out of pocket at the end of the contract.


    Is there anything in this ?.  Can I challenge this in any capacity ?.   Ideally, I'd like them to let me out of the Sky Q contract so I can downgrade to the Sky+ HD box I own, but I accept this will likely not be possible.


    I'd be interested in your thoughts.   Thankyou.

  4. My mum lives on the first floor of a three storey building and is almost 80. The housing association she rents from have moved in a single mother with a child above her and she is going through hell with the noise and it's making her ill.


    The woman has had people coming in doing DIY at all hours - 7:45pm tonight - and her children are often up at 6am, and sometimes earlier, which wakes my mum (and sister, who lives with her) up and they are unable to get back to sleep due to the noise.


    They're often also running around late at night as well so mum has to wait until almost 10pm and later before she can go to bed.


    She's tried writing a very reasonable letter to the occupant upstairs about the noise but this has been ignored.


    I know that when children move in, everyone around them automatically loses their right to a reasonable quality of life because of this, but does my mum have any recourse ?


    Most nuisance neighbour policies i've looked in to, as well as the housing association's anti-social behaviour policy, all basically exempt children from any action being taken which I think is grossly unfair because at almost 80, my mum simply can't "just move".


    And she's lived there for nearly 20 years as well, so why should she give up her home because of some inconsiderate above her ?


    She'd be willing to go to mediation with the woman, but since the woman has ignored her letter, is there any other way to get this to happen ?


    Apologies if this is a bit of a mess of a post but i'm just getting quite concerned about my mum's health overall.


    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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