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Everything posted by SquaddyP

  1. Honestly. You are passive aggressive and actually in my view, of no help. All you do is make sarcastic comments. You won’t accept if anyone challenges yours advice. Even people who have been through this. Anyone who loses is accused of not posting everything, not following your advise. Or being a patsy (whatever that is) I was advised In court by the barrister not to post specific names dates etc as this site is monitored. I was then as part of CWD expenses charged for them monitoring this site. I have their claims if anyone wants to question. my advice is do your own research. I contacted local universities for law students needing “clients and case studies” I contacted citizens advice and I also contacted a law firm in Lincolnshire who said it was always 50/50 either way. so anyone saying, Ignore, Post everything on here, Follow our advice, is in my opinion clueless. (Just my opinion) as true advice would state, we don’t know, it’s difficult to say, try this... etc. My Best advice is- “not sure I can only state what I have been through” just saying
  2. I have zero legal training- I can only tell you what happened to me and how I responded Which I am happy to do
  3. Real reasons. A family, child at school still. Not missed a payment. The debt was not proportional to secure to a house and would be paid within 3 years
  4. Sorry maybe won isn’t the correct term? I had the CO declined from the court. They Appealed. It was declined a second time. I pay the CCJ monthly. There is no CO on my house. Had they won the CO I know their next step would have been bankrupt order (not sure the terminology)
  5. A subject access request- to see what detail and data they hold about you
  6. Keep us updated interested in the outcome fingers crossed it goes your way
  7. Send them evidence of your payments? Or is this a different bank?
  8. I’ve never complained or responded to anything I’ve felt was out of order I’ve shared documents and never moaned or commented about ill advice that’s been given so if by all 3 you include me then not sure why you would But it’s like People can’t ask questions without being attacked on here, which is my own opinion. I agree, sometimes the advice is very good. And sometimes it comes across as sarcastic - again my own view
  9. They won’t then? I can only say what I went through. it was a summary judgment for me
  10. Yes it was horrendous i did did not have the skills or knowledge to articulate my side really i stood on oath and went over my finances so the judge could give a monthly amount for me to pay back I now have a hearing for costs (the appealed) and SO to respond to
  11. Yes - but I need to respond to say why they shouldn’t put a full CO on at all?
  12. Thanks, I don’t really understand it i will have to reply to court stating why they should not put in a full charging order on the property
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