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Everything posted by LoopyLeigh

  1. I did read through the many threads on this subject but I found it all so very confusing. Especially on what you should or should not do. Everyone's story was different and there was a lot of contradicting advice from just ignoring the letters from the solicitors to replying to the PAP letter... You yourself indicated that you should reply to a PAP letter to prevent a default judgement being made against you. I read that some people who took the advice not to reply have now been issued with county court judgement orders. Not good at all! I know it must be frustrating having to repeat yourself over and over again, however when people come here to ask for help they are usually scared, not clued up on the law, and have no idea what to do next. They certainly do not come here to be shouted at or made to feel even more stupid than they did already. I wish everyone in the same boat GOOD LUCK. LL
  2. An update. I ignored the solicitor and wrote to Erudio, who wrote back and told me that I needed to contact Drysdensfairfax as they were now dealing with my account. I replied to the PAP letter. Giving them all the info relating to my permanent disability and my recent PIP award. They wrote back asking for proof I sent them a copy of my award. Now they are asking for copies of prescriptions, medical appointment letters as proof of my current health situation. I am feeling very uneasy about sending them personal/private information which is contained in those letters. I thought that an enhanced PIP award would be proof enough of my health situation, it was awarded by a government body after all. Is there an argument I can use to refuse to send this information such as data protection etc ? Please be gentle with me. I am not very good with these sort of people which is why I come here for your advice. LL
  3. Hello. I had students loans for years 1996 - 1999 with the student loan company [sLC] and was deferring every year after graduation because I was not earning enough. Then Erudio took over the loans in 2014 and although they said that it would be the same as with the SLC they wanted more information from me that I was willing to give. I still completed their deferment forms but they were not accepted due to me not signing the actual form and leaving certain details out. I can't remember what it was I left off the form but I know it was something which was not included on the SLC form. I re-sent the deferment form a number of times and it was always rejected and sent back. Subsequently I found myself in arrears. This went on for over a year until unfortunately I was involved in a car accident and was deemed unfit for work. I wrote to Erudio explained that I was now deemed unfit to work and sent them a copy of my Disability Living Allowance award. I was awarded lower rate for both care and mobility. I heard nothing more from Erudio, the demanding letters stopped so I assumed, that my loans had now been cancelled. Two weeks ago I received a letter from Erudio saying that Drysdensfairfax would now be dealing with my debt and I received a letter from them this week. The letter claims I still owe over £7000 in student loans and that I have 30 days to make an offer of repayment. I have since been re-assessed by the DWP for Personal Independence Payment [PIP] and been awarded the enhanced rate in both care and mobility. Should my loans have been cancelled due to my disability and being unable to work? I refer you to this: • Under The Education (Student Loans) Regulations 1998, lenders will cancel your liability to repay if you: Can show the lender you get a disability-related benefit and because of this disability you're permanently unfit for work. Will this clause be invalid now it has been passed to a solicitor? Do I now send a copy of my PIP award to Drysdensfairfax? Thank you for reading. I appreciate any help. Leigh x
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