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Everything posted by Tilly2019

  1. Understood, thank you dx100uk, Is there a generic anser to this? "I dispute this debt because..recommended reason as advised from your thread"
  2. Hey guys, So, I keep getting a letter from IDR every month or so. nothing serious yet, keeps saying if you dont do something in 14 days yadda yadda. However, My first time seeing something from Moriarty Law, and they have just come right out swinging. I attach Pictures of the forms that my hubby made. Ive only attached the first two, and the first one of the actual form. Advise would be appreciated please. thank you PAPLOC.pdf
  3. Well, let's see what happens, I haven't received anything of any actual substance yet, So I'll just forget about it until I receive something, at which point I will post back here and ask for advice. Dx has put my mind to rest, even though I'm fairly sure you're, not a solicitor DX, for some reason your blunt hatred for UAE banks has put me in a state of confidence. Tilly
  4. I actually no longer have the letter, The amount of pressure was putting me in a state of depression and it was very much a case of out of sight, out of mind. Essentially it said we are acting on behalf of Emirates NBD, that they have been asked to deal with the debt in the UK, the amount that I owe, and that I have 14 days to "get in touch" before "Legal proceedings" , The second page was a page full of Debt helplines.
  5. Thank you for your reply dx100UK, Although as little as you said, your confidence is inspiring. T
  6. Good afternoon. I am a very cautious person, In my mind, IDRWW are reading all of these posts and anything and everything can be used against me, Therefore I'm going to be as generic as possible. Left Dubai in the last 7 years with Debts with Emirates NBD, relatively small between 20 and 70k AED. The reasons for leaving don't really matter, everyone's got a story. a year after coming back to the UK and tahseel Start their interrogation, calling work, Friends, Family, Facebook messages, old jobs etc etc. Very intimidating and hard time. Should be made illegal, but hey, Family stuck with the "go away" procedure and didn't hear anything else for quite some time. couple of years later CDW sends me letters, stating legal action will incure if no communication within 14 days. I seek legal advise and send a letter denying the debt and asking for proof of juristriction in the UK, also stating ( rightly so or not? ) that I have no assests and essentially no money. I dont hear anythign back. This year I've received a letter from IDRWW stating they are working on behalf of Emirates NBD ( Are IDRWW a trading name? ), they have the amounts of debt I now owe ( this has somehow raised to over 10 times as much!?) and that I have 14 days to get in touch with them before legal proceedings happen. Now my initial thoughts is, considering what the general consensus on this website have taught me, just plain ignore them. However... I received this letter on THE DAY, that I got my exchange of contracts through for my new home I've just purchased with my wife. Help to buy scheme, we have been saving for years. Questions: Can IDRWW possibly know if I have recently aquired this asset. Is there anyway at all they can force me to sell my new home.
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