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  1. No In the SAR all i said was Didn't think it would be an issue at the time.
  2. I was in a little bit of a rush when replying earlier, and seemed to have some formatting issues after saving the post. I feel as though the 1 from both lists requirement they have isn't proportional, they've communicated with me at my current address for months, and have sent me utility bills to this address and account number. There's been no other issues with the exact same copy of my Drivers License when used for another SAR so i'm not sure that "can't accept it as it's not in the standard format" is really an acceptable excuse. I feel that the only valid point that they have is asking if i could let them know why i wanted my SAR to be sent to a different address. They still failed to reply within the 30 day timeframe so i think that regardless of what they've now said in their they are still in breach of GDPR. I'm in over my head now and i'm not sure what action i should take or how to/if i should respond to them, now that they have finally replied.
  3. I sent a SAR. which also provided a copy of proof of ID, last month to Northumbrian Water, and received no reply whatsoever. After the 30 day deadline passed i sent off a complaint form to the ICO and sent a letter of claim to NW for breach of statutory duty. (As up until today they had failed to respond in any way to the request that was made) Today i received a reply saying the my ID wasn't in the standard format and they could not accept it, (The exact same copy of ID has not been an issue before and the exact same image was accepted perfectly fine by a previous energy company i SAR'd), and that they required i give them 2 forms of I.D, 1 from list A and from List B Along with questioning the alternative address like i mentioned above. I wanted the request to be sent to the alternate address, as i work full time and i'm not always at my home address, i'd most likely not be in at a time when it can be delivered and can't get to the delivery office easily enough before it would be returned back undelivered. (Which i wanted to avoid happening again as this happened to the last SAR i made.) The address is my partner's address, where i regularly go and who also works from home and wouldn't have issues receiving/collecting mail.
  4. Hi, I received a reply from a SAR I sent today (This was only after I sent a Letter of Claim as the company failed to reply or acknowledge the SAR in any way, though that deserves its own thread) In the SAR I asked for my request to be sent to an alternate address, In the response they asked for clarification as to why I requested this. Provided that the company has been given enough proof and information to verify my identity would I need to provide this reason for them to process my request?
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