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Everything posted by Dsmuk10

  1. Thanks DX.... when will RLP stop sending letter.....still how many letters will they send to me
  2. Got my fourth letter frm RLP,.....One question will RLP have my picture where taken from cctv footage from lidl Am scared pls help me Thanks
  3. Thanks Sliverfox1961 for your detailed explanation...am clear by words that my details they hold will not affect me in anyways.... but only one thing which is killing me is they'll hold my data for 6 years....they should delete once they give up writing letter to me.... for holding my data for long time... I cant do nothing...to delete it..anyhow thanks a lot for patient replies. am so..... so.....thankful to you. Thanks -
  4. Hi , In their site says,The right to erasure-the right to ask that the data be deleted...is this true.... How can we approach them for deleting my data.... if I request in written form to delete my data from their database....will they consider my request..and will they delete my data...or for deleting my data will they ask me to pay the claim...if I pay will they delete my details from their database. very very sorry being annoying...my name in RLP database makes me wounding & worrying ....that's why am seeking help from you guys. Thanks
  5. Hi, Two days before i got third letter from RLP, in that letter one paragraph says, "We take this opportunity of confirming the position regarding your data. we will rely upon our client's information as an accurate account of your action and your information will be retained for a period compliant with GDPR". what does this means? will they keep my details for life time or what? Thanks
  6. Thank you sliverfox for your quick reply....when ever i get a letter that affects my regular day to day life for some days...its make me hard to come out from the incident....but am trying to come out...... Also i should thank you from my heart....for my every thread... your replies are so quick and makes me so calm...thanks again for words.
  7. Hi All, Got my second letter today from RLP , I forgot to mention that both in first and second letter my surname has wrong spelling and the date of incident is wrong(wrong date they mention in the letter). I gave my date of birth to security....will RLP save my date of birth in their record... I scared because in this country...we can get a persons all information from their date of birth...even their medical history too.... How long does RLP keep my details...when they'll remove my details....does they save my date of birth too... when they'll stop send these letters...these letters scaring me I too scared that they're having my name and date of birth
  8. sure...I thank you Only 3 , ok..but in forum i read some people got 5 letter....I dont have enough strength to see...more than 3...
  9. Thank you so much Only 3, ok..but in forum i read some people got 5 letter....I dont have enough strength to see...more than 3... If I go to lidl after a year will they have my identity(like my photo from cctv) and will be punished for not paying the claim
  10. I wouldn't like to ask if I ignore first letter, when i can expect second one? when will RLP stop sending the letters? How many letter will RLP send? after three/four month am planning to go to my country then ill come and shift to new house...if I shift will i get into trouble?...because of no response from me to them....will they trace me? IF I didn't response to the letter, I heard that RLP send mine to debt collect..will he come to house and knock the door?? so scary pls help
  11. Thanks sliverfor1961 for your expand reply, am been very grateful and thankful for you, because from my first quires you only replied first... .that too when ever I need you gave a patient and clear answer which made me feel calm down and your words pull me to come out from that incident. Thank you so much for help indeed.
  12. Thanks a ton dx100uk....for your quick reply...thanks for your answer for each and every queries....am very clear and confident now.... Thanks again for every & patient replies...am so thankful for your help indeed.... Thanking you from whole hearty
  13. Hi all, Yesterday i read the RLP letter fully...in that one column named Data protection act....says that my details will be saved for a period( for 6 years) and will be deleted my details once after the client get the claim from us is this true? IS IT TRUE will they save my details in their database FOR SIX YEARS? If I've paid the penalty they claimed...will they delete my name from their database? If I didnt pay..will they definitely keep my details for 6 years ? Pls help me...am scared after reading that? I dont want to be tagged as a shoplifter in where in this country...because we came to this country to earn , save dont want to get into any controversies. Am Trying for job..will this letter and data stored in RLP will affect my career in background check? Do they any procedures to get remove from the RLP database? Or can I write a apologize letter to Lidl head office...for what happened three weeks before..will my apologies letter or call be accept by lidl after the RLP letter came? or should i ignore all?... lead my life.... some some days am getting more scare...cant concentrate on studies too....if i see lidl name board out side the shop itself makes me scare.... very very sorry for annoying...pls guide me.. Thanks
  14. Hello everyone..... Today I received a first letter from RLP say that "your conduct gives our client the right to pursue a civil claim for damages against you in the COUNTRY COURT as this caused significant disruption to our clients business at those premises" Also they claimed 150£.....to pay.... Am scared and questions...is this letter to ignore because they claim penalty through "Country court"....am scared about the word country court Pls help me
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