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Everything posted by blackyblue

  1. There was a dispute as to whether the scrapped certificate was ever handed over. Does not matter just now as the dispute is infact resolved this morning and DVLA have finally acknowledged the letter i sent them over the phone and accept that i scrapped the vehicle after all, and that the threatening letter they sent me threatening me with prosecution no longer applies.
  2. At the beginning of August my Citreon Relay broke down on the Motorway, and as the vehicle was 12 years old i decided to scrap it instead of getting it repaired, so the very next day i called a scrap dealership and they came out and took my vehicle away and i signed the appropriate form. However weeks later i received a letter from West Lothian council telling me i had illegally abandoned my vehicle on a public road, and then i realised that obviously the van was in my name, so i called the scrap yard who told me there must be some error as the road the council say the van is abandoned is the same road that the scrap yard is based, and therefore there must be an error on DVLA's side. I then went on to the DVLA website to cancel the tax but was unable to proceed when they asked me for the appropriate form which of course i did not have as this had been handed to the scrap yard. I then phoned up the DVLA to let them know of this error, and also to not take anymore payments from my bank account but they said this was not a matter that could be dealt with via phone, so i said i would send an email just to be told this matter could not be resolved via email either and that i would need to write to them. Feeling pretty annoyed that the DVLA were making it so difficult for me to cancel my direct debits on a vehicles tax that i no longer owned i got on to my bank and felt under the circumstances i was well within my rights to cancel the direct debits to DVLA, especially given that any error was either committed by the scrap yard or DVLA themselves, and no way should i be paying tax on a vehicle i no longer own while this matter gets sorted. Within days i received a letter from the DVLA and wrote in extremely large blue letters was "DIRECT DEBIT ILLEGAL CANCELLATION" and they told me as a matter of urgency i had to make my payments or face prosecution, although in the back of the form they did provide a small slip to fill in should i not own the vehicle anymore, so i filled it in giving them all the details they required including the name of the scrap yard and i sent it off. However 1 month later i now receive through the post a final warning. They want nearly £300 and i have seven days to pay it or else i face enforcement procedures and will lose my vehicle. They also say that even in the event that i can prove that the vehicle has been transferred over to someone else they still want the money for the period between then and now unless i can provide proof that i tried to contact them previously, and the only proof they will accept is an acknowledgement letter from them. This is rather silly considering i tried contacting them a number of times and i did not receive any acknowledgement from them, so i have no acknowledgement letter to send them. It seems they are denying having ever received anything from me for some reason. Now the DVLA are can come along and take my vehicle anytime they like, they will have a hard time, as i do not own the vehicle anymore, but they will not accept this and just keep sending me letters requesting more and more money. Soon i will have to get the Police in to go to the scrap yard and find out why the vehicle is still in my name, or why DVLA seem incapable of accepting i no longer own the vehicle and therefore rightfully should not be paying tax on it. How do i make the DVLA go away? they seem to make it so difficult.
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