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Everything posted by ABT110

  1. 4 years. The default was added this year in March... So 6 years. I'll be 28/29 when it's removed. My mum started a payment plan in July and has been paying monthly. I'm going to try to write to them asking... I'm pretty desperate and at least if I'm told no, I know.
  2. Thanks. Would it be worth me paying the default in full anyway just so it says paid on my report... Or asking the companies to write a note on my account explaining the debt... I'm gutted that there's nothing I can do to even make this slightly better, even if the default doesn't go away.
  3. Hi. I have the exact amount owed to Lowell £1500 ... thought I made that clear. There are no added extra charges that is literally what I owe them. Is there any point in requesting a SAR as I know what I have to pay and that the debt is in my name. So to clarify there is 0 chance, regardless of any of my explanations or options or persistence that they would remove the default sorry but your advice is telling me things I already know and it hasn't really answered any of my questions at all.
  4. Hi, so I really don't know what my options are (if any) In 2014, when I was 18 my mum asked if she could open a catalogue in my name... I agreed as she told me it would help build up my credit rating. I specifically told her not to get in debt with it.... I had thought she'd stopped using it after that year. Background: My mother has C-PTSD and due to this is absolutely appalling at handling money- sadly for me I've only just realised how big an issue it is as she always seemed like she was dealing with any debts she has. She is not receiving any help with this at all as any health professionals involved in her care have never enquired and she's never admitted it as a problem (even now she's acknowledged it but not... if that makes sense?) The only professional she sees (she's just started another block of therapy after so many years) is a psychotherapist. Credit Rating: This month I went into my bank to ask for an increase in my overdraft. I'm a student and my loans are just about enough to cover my rent and placement travel this term, so finance wise I'm not in the best situation myself at least until the nee year when my term rent is a bit cheaper. I found out that the bank wouldn't increase my overdraft, literally not even by £100...due to my poor credit rating. This was confusing as I have 1 credit card and I always pay either the full amount or more than the monthly minimum. Went on and got my credit report from Equifax. I have a 404 credit rating and 'my' catalogue debt is £1500 now passed onto lowell with a default placed in March. My mum has said she must have had a default notice as she set up a monthly payment to lowell in July and has been paying this ever since. She was under the impression that the default would be removed if the debt is paid in full. That's obviously not the case. It lasts 6 years. My score has tanked and considering I will be qualified next year and want to start saving for a mortgage... it would be pretty impossible! Right now, I resent her for getting me in this as I didn't want to have debt like her (although this is my responsibility as well and I've been beating myself up about it) I don't know what to do Main Points *I had no knowledge of the default until obtaining my credit report... 1) The catalogue is in my name and I live at the same address as my mum 2) I've used my current bank card on that account to pay some money towards it (before it was passed to Lowell and had a default added to it) 3) 'I've' already acknowledged this debt as per the repayment plan with Lowell so there's no chance of the 'i didn't know' loophole working. 4) Even if my mum admitted to the debt, with her abysmal credit there's no way they would transfer it over to her 5) Even if she admitted to the debt, it's fraud. I would be utterly terrified of her getting into legal trouble about this! She's ill and yeah it's not an excuse but it's an explanation for her behaviour. She has a lot of trauma and controlling her money and spending money is a very big comfort to her. 6) I am not my mums carer my dad is but honestly, he's useless with money as well and just gets stressed and confused with it. My dad and I have just been ... I don't know, ignoring it kind of? And now I really can't and have to try and get this fixed. Questions A) Is there any way at all, or has anyone had any success with writing to Lowell and offering to pay the full amount owed immediately if they remove the default? B) I know if they won't remove it you can ask for an explanation for the default on your score but I wouldn't have a clue what to write on that? Or if it would make any difference C) Or if they won't remove it on offer of the money. Would it be worth writing to them explaining the situation as well as still offering to pay.. would that have any luck? *if I explained the situation to Lowell would it have to be reported as fraud? D) Does persistence work? If I kept writing and emailing them asking them to remove the default? How persistent, I.e: a letter every week? Emailing the CEO every week? Recorded phone calls? Or would they just claim harassment... E) If they don't remove it and I still pay it in full so it says it's a paid default on my account... There's differing opinions as to whether that will improve your credit score or increase likelyhood of lenders approving you for things like cc/banking/mortgages/finance. ? Not sure whether it would change anything on my credit and make my bank more likely to increase my o.d. my mum is under the impression that it would... So yes... I fully am more than aware I messed up as well. I didn't bother to keep track of something in my name and it was a big mistake I'm clearly paying for now. I'm just very anxious. I'm 22... I really wouldn't want this hanging over my head til I was 29. It's one blip on my credit score compared to the past nearly 2 years of good credit and now it's totally ruined. I still have my credit card and obviously I will continue building up credit ect... but it all feels for nothing knowing I'll have the default hanging over my head. I just feel so depressed and anxious with it all and I can't talk to either of my parents cause my dad doesn't know or want to know and my mum already feels awful enough as it is about it.. Hopefully maybe someone can please start pointing me in the right direction.. . I'd be very grateful. Thank you...
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